
My ZBrush sculpts.


After having browsed the forums a lot without posting anything myself, I finally have the nerve to share you my wips. ;)

I'm an 3D amateur so don't expect something earth shattering.
(Seeing some of the works over here is quiet intimidating you know :laughing:.)

But I just love working in ZBrush and hope that I will advance my sculpting by posting from time to time.

My preference goes to cartoony looks, but I haven't quiet found my style just yet ...

After Tinkerbell :



Some more recent doodles :

After “Antz” :




Felling frustrated haha :smiley: :

cute stuff
unique style

keep going with your own style where no one can share you how you see things. This will give you the opportunity to be outstanding even if your models arn’t that much sharp.

Personally, I liked all your presentation.

Good luck

Thanks Eiad.

Today’s sculpt :

Very cool sculpt… I like your style…

Hey cool work,my fave is the first one it looks so cute as well as the portrait of the ants character,he looks very well defined and would be fun to retopo as an exercise id imagine,lots of nice curves and definition to practice on.
good artwork,glad to see a zbrusher havin good fun.

Hey cool work,my fave is the first one it looks so cute as well as the portrait of the ants character,he looks very well defined and would be fun to retopo as an exercise id imagine,lots of nice curves and definition to practice on.
good artwork,glad to see a zbrusher havin good fun.

Nice start! Are those characters your concepts?

SolidSnakexxx : thank you !
KHALLUS : also thanks !
Yes, would indeed be a good exercise.
For the moment however I’m mostly trying to find my style and so I don’t spend too much time on topo.
Although I think I will be going all the way with my next character LOL.

Nice start! Are those characters your concepts?
Thanks !
Yes unless indicated otherwise.
Where it says “doodle” or “sculpt” or “speedsculpt” then it’s my own work.
Otherwise I mention the origin.

See ya … Dominiek.

Here’s today’s sculpt (my design).

Plan on retopoing and then start thinking about the clothes.
Really want to also rig it because I’ve wanted to get into animating a bit for a long time now. :slight_smile:

See ya , Dominiek.

EDIT : The 2D sketch :


Very nice…I like the new concept – > sculpt very much… :smiley:

our toon style is very awesome,I was kinda thinking out aloud when i mentioned the retopology (I was thinking how much I would like to retopo a cool mesh like the ants character with all that curves and detail)just ignore me,its just because this week I am done with any sculpting and have been only doing retopology exercises to improve myself (Then again i switched to the amazing 3d coat for the tools alone,works godlike with zbrush : ) I so love your artwork and looks like your style is translating wonderfuly to 3d from the concept sketches you showed us so far.I dont know how much retopo you ever did in zbrush but the most valuable tip i can give is to guv or auv tile your mesh and sketch out the lines you plan to do first then retopo it as it is very accurate and solves problems,hope this helps,cant wait to see more of your georgous style.peace.

oops typo. “our toon style is very awesome,” i meant to say “your toon style is very awesome,” the “Y” got deleted someplace.

SolidSnakexxx :
Thanks. Yeah I try to exercise as much as possible.

Yes translating 2D into 3D is not easy.
Thanks for the tip but I don’t like retopo in ZB that much.
Will do that in Topogun.
If you like I can email you the ‘Antz’ model you know.

A small update : hope to make her complete (mouth + teeth) and then try to do some rigging and texturing and hair in Blender.
Much to learn … :smiley:

Long time since I posted anything.

A sculpt from ZSpheres (design = Disney!:cool:).



Nice :smiley:
Turn perspective on if you havent yet and it will look even better :smiley:

Thanks Disco Stu ! (BTW : perspective is on :laughing:.)

Here’s today’s speedsculpt (3 hours) after a Caroline sculpt from Damon Bard.
(Awesome sculptor IMO – His website : http://www.bardsculpturestudio.com/portfolio/Sculpture/1.)[20091221_coraline3.JPG]

awesome! looks just like her, love that movie

Nice toonish Characters…
I am not good in toons :frowning: