
My work in progress thread.

Hello everyone at zburshcentral, im making a post of my work in progress, i have few projects i wanted to share with the comunity and get some feedback as well. Ive been using zbrush for about 6 months now, and its one of my favorite programs to use. I like to work on several projects to keep busy while going to school, and for my first model is a speed sculpt i did, this was a quick study took about 2hrs.



Brozne head1.jpg









this is refrence im using for my head sculpt i want to get a really close look a like, i used a picture with his eyes closed though.


minor update on the fullfigure guy starting to touch up on the face. critiques welcome. Thankyou for viewing.





some more updates on the body. dont know how much detail ill be putting on him as far as veins scars etc… as far as the small update dont know if ill keep the eyes, mind reculpt them, the spere came from maya and i just used it for refrence.





John Strieder - Thanks man

I redid the eyes i like the closed look much better, dont know what they’ll look like in the final sculpt but ill keep working on it. I’m going to move on to the hands and feet and get them to look like hands and feet. Critiques welcome, thanks for viewing.


Dont know whats happening with my zbrush tool in projectionmaster, I made a screencap process of whats happening for some reason its breaking the texture I try to make, in projectionmaster.


I checked my uvs in maya and made sure nothing is overlapping but the same problem keeps happening.







Looks Like you have “Zadd” on. Turn that off and turn the “RGB” button and all should be well. If that doesnt work I have had times where just restarting my comp fixed the problem.

I dotn have the zadd on the pane3d i use to project the image. its a not a comp issues becaaus I tried it on different computers, but samethig still happening. I went back to older versios of the file and still happens there as well. Guess I’ll just have to phoshop the textures instead.

Minor update, I have been tryng to make him look a lot older than he is.

nice model :+1:

to your texture: i had the same problem a while ago, make sure you have your canvas in “actual-mode”! don’t use AAHALF together with projectionmaster, that was the reason why it didn’t worked for me first :wink:
hope this helps :slight_smile:

Train22 - Thanks man, yeah i figured out what was going on, It was the perspective mode that was making it do that, i guess something with projectionmaster and perspective mode dont work well together.

Heres a speed sculpt i did over the weekend, not much detail in this on I spent acouple hours on it.


did a revised version of the prevous head. been awhile but i got around to it, thanks for viewing

[attach=92592]chris 2.jpg[/attach]


chris 2.jpg

did a torso of a guy, not much time spent on it, ill do a fullbody when i get some time i guess.


the head model is for a character im working on, inspired by the gnomon dvd character modeling for production techniques. CC always welcome and thanks for viewing.




1st pass sculpt character design.jpg

Very good work man. You’ve improved lots since your earlier posts.

thanks alot pap87

minor update on the head

Here is an update of this guy. I think for now the modeling in maya is done unless I want to add a someting more to the neck area right now i dont like it verymuch but ill see later. critiques welcome and thanks for viewing.

Looks pretty good to me, infact I’m using it as a anatomy guide for my own head study.


wdcstudios thanks man appreciate it I think, but their’s way more anatomy correct heads on this site than mine, man check some of the top gallery stuff or just google, flikr.com.
drondron = thanks.

Heres some more updates I changed some of the face around,


Critiques welcome and thanks for viewing. [](http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:zb_insimg%28%27%27,%27CD-char1.jpg%27,1,0%29)

Really cool wip’s you got going. Keep posting the updates. :+1:

I’m looking at some of those top row treads as well. The woman torso looks like it’s coming along nicely same for the head seems to have abody now.