This is my self portrait. I need help getting the lighting right in max. Nightmare. Anybody got suggestions? [attach=77458]Joe 1.jpg[/attach]
[attach=77459]Joe 2.jpg[/attach]
Thanks very much. Any suggested turotials?
This is what I hope to morph into in my final project. Made from the same mesh and using the same texture. I’m planning to animate this head. Need to change the texture and add some hair. Anybody got any good inside mouth and teeth tutorials or tips???
You’re doing some really nice work, Joe! Your inner mouth looks fine from what I’m seeing. If you want to texture it without mucking up the other parts of the head… Just hide everything but the mouth. Now you can spin 'er around, see what’s inside, and go ahead and paint. Again, like John said… You’re going to want to polypaint out some of the “true” shadows from the photoref that’s currently there.
Although it’ll look good at the angle that it was projected on… from the side, for example, may/will look a little funny. Just find a good alpha for skin and start off with a really low intensity level. Anywhere from 5-10 will work just fine. Just play around and see what you get. I’m still learning Max materials, but yeah I would also suggest that after you get your texturing to where you like it set yourself up a good SSS or an equivalent shading system in max before your lights. Lighting in max does seem a bit daunting at first, but then again… alot of this stuff does when you’re first beginning to use it.
Looking forward to see this finished. You should post it in the self portrait thread.
Thanks very much for the help. Really appreciate it.
This is the first time I’ve used a skin shader. I think it has made a difference. Shame about the rendering time. Cant wait to tinker around with it.
Heres something new. Want to animate it after its been retopologized and textured. I think its a good start. Gotta do the two front appendages, I think crab claws or something like that. Tell me what you think!!
This is something I have been plugging away at and unfortunately I have been beaten to the punch, hats off to Mayaguru, amazing work. I would still like to get some criticism and help on this piece as I am trying desperately to get some good material for a demo reel. I really don’t know what to do about hair. I tried max but couldn’t get the desired result. Any ideas? Cheers.
Ok good . Now plz learn anatomy . NO I am serious Before making any kind of monsters try to make realistic human head with all proportions . Do not make any cuts to mouth just make normal head Female or Male or both .
Cool concepts, Joe! Retopo should be fun, eh?
ahtiandr: Although, I agree that learning anatomy is essential and indeed a plus,… and don’t take this the wrong way because I really like your work… but the works I’ve seen aren’t all that anatomically correct either. I guess what I’m trying to say, is please stop playing anatomy cop until you’ve mastered it yourself. My 2 yen.
Cheers Lumin8, good to have some constructive criticism.
Thought I’d take ahtiandr’s advice and work on some anatomical stuff. Love some feedback. Maybe some advic on Uvw unwrapping for textures and normal maps. I seem to be getting a lot of seams.