
My 2nd WIP in ZBrush, A Dragon!

Hi all, Since I didnt had any chance with my first wip that I’ve lost because my machine crashed yesterday, I’ve started my 2nd work ever in ZBrush, but now with the help of PSnap, so I will not loose this one lol! :laughing:

Here Is some image after about 1h30 of work! :wink:
Its getting there, pretty quickly, I’ll keep posting as I work on it!


Any crits welcome! :slight_smile:

I’ve also included the ZScript! Fell free to look at It!

Cheers! :smiley:
Jonny :wink:



DragonWIP.zip (359 KB)

This is a really great start! I’ve been trying to work on a dragon myself so this script will help me out a great deal. Thank you for your time and for sharing!

i see this is very good start.i cant wait and want the see end this work quickly.:smiley:

hahaha cool!

i wish i could do that in 1 1\2 hours! Now the next 2 plugin/scripts you are going to want are the Moldy 2
and XYZ scripts also available via my sig!:smiley: Heck grab em all up cuz they all are magic!!:rolleyes:

cool dragon and thanks for the script…it will be fun to watch ya work.

Check out the face, nicely controlled edgelooping.

Thank you very much for your kind replys!:lol:

I will probably finish the work on thursday or friday, as I work 12hrs shift at work, So I only have time when I’m off! so I work 2 days on 2 day off, etc…

I’m a Maya user, so the Edge loop was kinda easy to do, but there is still some part like on the arms and legs that I think of adding some edge looping to make the muscle come out instead of modeling it on, because Its hard to animate efficiently when the model Is to low res! Now I use Muscle TK for my deformations In Maya, So I need a clean low res typologie for that dragon which I will then export In obj and I will make Higer resolution with texture maps and bump maps so I can use the low res to drive the high res, so Its impecable and driven with real muscle deformations!:wink:

I’ll keep updating by thursday!
Cheers all! :smiley:


Hi all, I just noticed by playing my ZScript on my second machine, you have to put the undo’s to about 20 or so and put your screen rexolution to at least 1280 x 786, if not, it will glitsh lol! :lol:

Sorry about that! I just use a lots of Undo’s since I’m new to ZBrush and I use a high screen res because Its much better when making graphics!

Cheers! :wink:
Jonny! :smiley: