Ming the Merciless character redesign
Another of my film character redesigns. This time up its something a bit more complex and I’m redesigning Ming the Merciless from the ancient flash gordon movie serials. (I’m tryign to forget teh dreadful 80’s film…:o )
I’m trying to go for a less ‘cartoon evil villain’ look than the original. It’ll be a fair challenge as I also have to design , sculpt and render the clothes and enviroment for him as well.
This is just a test render and he still needs eye lashes and some serious work on the mouth. I’ve also included a slightly earlier versoi of the sculpt in Zbruhsh as well. Asymetery will be added later once I have the other bits made and posed in palce. Although to be fair this could take quite a while to do, so I’ll be doing bits on and off as I get time.
I alos realised while messing around drawing some clothes designs tongiht that ming isn’t a 100 miles away from the ‘gallifrey timelords’ from Doctor who so he may get recylced as well once finished lol.