
Mesh Insert Brush Question

I hope I can word this correctly…

I’ve made a spike which i want to paint into a zbrush mesh using the Mesh Insert Brush. All works well except, i want to position the spike on the mesh from it’s base, whereas what’s actually happening is the tool only appears oriented on its side… How do i get it rotated correctly?
I hope this isn’t a confusing question
thanks for any help


The only way I can think of is to:

  1. Use MeshInsert brush as usual.
  2. Go to Subtool subpalette > GrpSplit. This will separate your original mesh from your inserted mesh.
  3. Select your inserted mesh.
  4. Use the Transpose tool to move, rotate, scale.

Hope this helps you. :slight_smile:

the problem is i would have to do this for every spike i insert… i need to find a way to paint on the mesh at the orientation i want…
this is very frustrating to be unable to resolve
help please!!!

sorry, i’ve just realised this is in the wrong sub-forum… could someone move it to the 'Tutorials and How to " forum?

Go to the deformation pallette for your spike model and use Rotate to orient it so the base is facing in the Z direction. It’ll look like the point of the spike is pointed toward out in the preview screen.

i did what you said and oriented the model that way but it is still not working … am i being really dumb here
sorry ;-(

…actually, strike that, i think i understand what you mean now…
many thanks for the advice
np ]

There are three things that affect how the mesh is inserted:

  1. Brush palette: MeshInsert Dot or MeshInsert Fit - Dot inserts the mesh tangent to the model surface; Fit inserts it drawn in the screen plane.

  2. The BrushMod slider and the inserted mesh’s pivot point. By adjusting either of these you can change how much the mesh is embedded. The pivot point is normally in the center of the mesh. You can change it by dragging the little red cross in the Tool:Preview window, then pressing Store to save the change. Alternatively, adjust the BrushMod slider in the Brush palette.

  3. The inserted mesh’s orientation. You can change this by dragging in the Tool:Preview window, then pressing Store to save the change.


Also see
this thread for some useful tips.

That answers all my questions!!!