This was base modeled in silo then sculpt textured and detailed in zbrush and rendering in max.
Hope u like it
Nice style. any chance of some closeups of the details?
Nice modelling Captain Micro…Would be nice to see that in a scene…
excellent. Really nice colours.
very realistic…and well modeled…I love zbrush, but I tell ya, the renders that max does with a zmodel are so way kewl.
What are your plans for this guy?
I like it except legs…
it still needs a little tweaking and a background and later I plan to add in some bones to it and pose it diffrenlty.This is a deafult scanline render with gnormal plugin but i ll also try rendering it in mental ray.If anyone knows how i could render normal maps with mr i d be appriciated. Zbrush is really fast in detailing sculpting and texturing, I LOVE it.
Later i ll post some closeups thanks for any c&c.
I have trouble looking at that cause it looks so good my brain tells me it is real…go figure…better go back on medication. Really love the colors, the lenses remind me of some character specifics from the chronicles of Riddick, the legs and side hidraulic looking gear is amazing and the armoured vest part is just my favorite. Great job.
love it! modelling, texturing, detailing, concept, all
. definitely agree wtih 3DP, closeups please or maybe different angles, please?
and here are some diffrent angle shots.Sorry for not posting earlier but i ve got a lot of work these days .I m still working on it though.
Awesome material!
Excellent work. I’d be interested to see the SILO Model too.
Can You post it here or in the SILO Forums?
Nice texture work! I love the details in the chest plate and on the claw hands.
this is the final image.A backgroud and some color correction with photoshop.
Of course all texturing and sculpting with zbrush and silo.
hope u like it.
Nice rendering ( s), it looks like a metal statue !