
Material/Texture Export?!

Hi there! :smiley:
I love Z-Brush and have been working with it for only 3 Weeks but already am achieving nice results!
The only thing i hate about it:There is no easy way to export Material/Texture. Like on this Buddy i made:

when i export the Texture like explained in a thread here, it comes out like this attached texture!
Can anyone please tell me how to export it correctly, so i can have that material/texture, or at least something close looking in 3dsmax?!

Thanks very much in advance!
Greetings from Munich (hell damn soccer is making the ppl over here crazy…hehe)



i have noticed that when i load up the armor as tool, and have not set that material, it has lots of white/empty parts, so i painted the whole armor in projection mode again (with color/material enabled)…
now i get a much more realistic texture, but when i apply it, it looks way to bright and has ugly purple dots (i painted some very low ocopacity purple/blue to give it a nice shine.

i also tried editing the texture in 3dsmax, by using ctrl+b to make it darker, but still same results just darker gg

please help!

anyway… here is the outcome:



use a lighter material inZbrush or push the diffuse level of your actual on and you will see that your diffuse is just like that :wink:

I also recommend that you read the Texturing part of the FAQ here at ZBC.

thank you guys for responing :smiley:

use a lighter material inZbrush or push the diffuse level of your actual on and you will see that your diffuse is just like that :wink:

dont wanna act stupid, but in what parent menue can i find this?!