
Matcap repository

Kraken, the Distressed Stone looks truly fine! Maybe we lost sight of how tasty Z’s procedurals can look, while messin’ with the matcaps…

Can’t wait!

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Thank you so much for sharing this. It helps me keeping the other artists not using ZB envious :wink:

Kraken, those last shaders you showed us looks absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to get to try them out!

Few materials I made, hope you like them



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Can anyone post up a link to the Adam Lewis Matcap Materials?

Does anybody have the Rogelio_Oliveira matcaps? I lost the ones I had, and all the links on here seem to be broken, would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Thanks borden. The materials look great. Gonna give them a try :slight_smile:

edit: Or. obviously not… This is the error I get:

This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector’s Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

This limit is reached.

To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector’s Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector’s Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

This site should work better: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TOF0IYG8

Wow, KrakenCMT, I must say I’m so excited about your new materials…Can’t wait to get my hands on them…amazing!

Here’s another collection of mats that I’ve put together. These are for the ZBrush 3.2 Mac Version, which is the version they were created with. I was already fairly far along with creating these new mats when Scrybe mentioned here that the older ones I created don’t work with R3. These probably won’t either. I’ve tested them on my R3 version on my MacPro (running Windows in Bootcamp) and they crash it whenever I try to load any of them.

I had already taken time to convert the previous collection to PC, but I guess they don’t work again since R3 came out. In order to update both material collections to work with R3, I would have to recreate them all from scratch. It’s a little time consuming to do that so it could be quite a while before I get to it. I apologize to PC users for that inconvenience.

Note: The only true Matcap is the Smooth Sculpting Clay one. All the others are hybrid Matcaps/Procedural shaders. Experiment on the Mossy Stone and Distressed Stone mats with applying different neutral colors to your model.


Here’s the link to the materials. Enjoy!
Chris Tackett’s Material Collection 2 (Mac Version)

Chris Tackett’s Material Collection 2 (PC Version)





my face when i see new mats by kracken: :slight_smile:
my face when i see they are for mac :frowning:

they do look awesome though, nice job:+1:

next time time i go to the toilet ill say to myself “time for more reddish bronze” :lol:

awesome sculpt and well talented kraken is.

Thanks! Realy love the dog!

Mac :(… Dammit. Sweet mats though. great work.

My face when I see new mats by Kraken: :slight_smile:

My face when I see they are for Mac:

Thank You!!Smile Face.jpg

Hehehehe, can’t have it all :wink:


Thought I would post some mat caps I made for my Trogan model.



Alien skin by soulty666.zip (231 KB)metal 1 by Soulty666.zip (224 KB)


mat cap.jpg

mat caps.jpg

Alien skin by soulty666.zip (231 KB)

metal 1 by Soulty666.zip (224 KB)

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KrakenCMT Nice work man, i waiting this bronze materials on pc…:confused:

Hey now! Looking forward to that Smooth Sculpting Clay! Very nice and easy on the eyes.Great stuff!