
Matcap repository

awsome, cheers man. Now my undoz matcap collection is complete :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Undoz I use youā€™re mat caps everyday :slight_smile:

great thread, Thanks to everyone who contribute:+1:

Thank for taking the time to post these matcaps I know they will come in handy.

hi undoz,

thanks for sharing the complete collectionā€¦nice little christmas gift- discovered them right now-

ā€¦i found some of them very useful for overpainting my models in photoshopā€¦:+1:

KrakenCMT thanks for the materials!

Hi undoz! Thanks for materials:+1:

Hi everyone- gorgeous matcaps in this thread, great work. I have a problem though- Iā€™m wokring through rafael ghencevā€™s head sculpt lessons and he uses satheā€™s skincore mat- but all the links I can find for it are dead. Does anyone have it that I could grab pls? Itā€™d really help me with trying out some render settings Iā€™m investigating! Thanks in advance,



There you go

THANKS praxedes for requestingā€¦AND
THANKS sathe for the fast reaction and for sharingā€¦you guys are the best! :smiley:

i really needed the shader tooā€¦ :+1:

wow awesome- thaanks sathe!


Okay, letā€™s see if i can do this rightā€¦I apologize for my lack of posting, but thought (after tripping across this thread quite by accident recently) Iā€™d add a few materials to the mix.
In the Pixologic download site, i started to see ā€˜Avatarā€™ and ā€˜Dr. Mannhattenā€™ materials, and it kinda inspired me to start making some of my own from some of my favorite horror movies like ā€˜the Thingā€™ and ā€˜the Howlingā€™.

And since I have now twice had to design Predator helmets, i thought it might be a good idea to make one of those as wellā€¦I simply took framegrabs from the movies and tried to match as best i could (with my limited knowledge). Anyway, theyā€™re fun, and i thought some of you might get some use out of themā€¦

Hey, can you make an updated version for R3, or tell me how? I love these screenshots as they are the closest to real skin Iā€™ve seen in a Mat, but even following your directions with the lighting Iā€™m not getting this look at all.

oh yeah an update for these MATz would be greatā€¦

Iā€™ll see what I can do to update those mats in the near future.

And while Iā€™m here talking about mats, Iā€™ve also been spending a little time here and there on developing another full set of mats (some matcaps, some not) which look like other realistic metals, stones, clays and skins.

Hereā€™s a quick preview of three of them, but there are several others in the set and are not quite done yet. Iā€™ll upload them all when they are done, which will be soon. They will be a mix of matcaps, quad shaders and tri shaders.




KrakenCMT: Amazing work! I love them. Cant wait to see the new asset!

cant waitā€¦thanks krakenā€¦

oooooooohhhā€¦they look yummy! gr8 work on the materials. :+1:

Hey KrakenCMT, I will look forward to these Matcaps The look superbā€“:slight_smile:
Is it possible with a tutorials??:smiley:

Thoseā€™re looking great Chris! :sunglasses: :+1:, hope youā€™ll find the time to finishā€™em soon.