I’m sorta new…been fooling around with Zbrush awhile, but just started seriously trying to learn it. Just in time to be faced with learning Zbrush 3. But what fun that will be!
Anyway, after watching Glen Southern’s online video about modeling an ogre’s head in Zbrush, I started trying to model a fairy creature. The model went in its own direction though and became what I imagine Marie Laveau could’ve looked like. No visual references…just imagination.
Painting this in Projection Master has not been a successful endeavor so far. Gonna try again today with different settings and a different skin texture. (This is just basic material with color and noise.) I started out using the skin texture (Quad Shader) in the Practice Guide and, while I live by that book, that skin texture turned out to be way too shiny. Musta did something wrong.
Anyway, here 'tis.