
Marie Laveau


I’m sorta new…been fooling around with Zbrush awhile, but just started seriously trying to learn it. Just in time to be faced with learning Zbrush 3. But what fun that will be!

Anyway, after watching Glen Southern’s online video about modeling an ogre’s head in Zbrush, I started trying to model a fairy creature. The model went in its own direction though and became what I imagine Marie Laveau could’ve looked like. No visual references…just imagination.

Painting this in Projection Master has not been a successful endeavor so far. Gonna try again today with different settings and a different skin texture. (This is just basic material with color and noise.) I started out using the skin texture (Quad Shader) in the Practice Guide and, while I live by that book, that skin texture turned out to be way too shiny. Musta did something wrong.

Anyway, here 'tis.


Hi reverie
Get to grips with your AUV / GUV tiling first-off, at the appropriate ‘power of 2’ texture size…
Aurick has made a great plugin solely for this purpose:


that skin texture turned out to be way too shiny.
Did you mean Material? Render out at ‘Best’ quality, and see wha happens with your ‘Quad shader’…
Would be nice if you could show a ‘wire’ of your head here also…Hit ‘Frame’ (SHIFT - F)
Maybe you need also to set-up a less specular ‘custom light’ for your tool, if dialling down the various
specs of the material shader aren’t giving you any satisfaction :wink:


Thanks for the advice, Chris. :slight_smile:

I still got a lot to learn about Zbrush.

But here’s the wireframe – or polyframe.Marie_Polyframe.jpg

And here she is painted. I didn’t use Projection Master…sometimes the painting doesn’t render out like it looks in Projection Master, so I painted on a layer. I added the dangly earrings on two separate layers with the Intensity Metal material…I think. :wink: Marie_Laveau Painted.jpg

Hey, again, Atwooki/Chris:

Thanks again for the advice.

As far as GUV/AUV tiles go, I did the GUV at 2048 for this texture because that’s what the guide called for and got the results below. I musta mucked up the lighting or something.

As to texture/material, I learned to model in Lightwave…and I don’t remember separating materials from textures, so I tend to lump it all as textures. :slight_smile: But since I’m using Zbrush almost exclusively now, I’ll get out of the habit of that.

But making that quadshader did help me make sense of the reason for the different “sh’s” on several of the shaders. I needed some noise for the last skin texture – ah, material, 'scuse me – so I found the double shader useful.

Here’s Marie with the Practical Guide skin texture – damn, material, I mean – rendered at best quality. Poor Marie Laveau…she must be turning in her crypt.


Poor Marie Laveau…she must be turning in her crypt.
Looks like you’re well on the right track, there :thumbsup:

Might well be worth your while exporting the color map, and an OBJ to LW as you proceed with detailing in ZB, just to check the outcome :slight_smile: (along with Normal maps, Disp maps etc ) :slight_smile:


Might well be worth your while exporting the color map, and an OBJ to LW as you proceed with detailing in ZB, just to check the outcome :slight_smile: (along with Normal maps, Disp maps etc )

Know what? I’m trying to stay away from Lightwave and do everything in Zbrush. It takes me forever to model a head in Lightwave ‘cause I do point by point with the extender plus tool (that is a handy little tool) with a photo reference in the background. And it took maybe two hours to sculpt ol’ Marie here. I know that’s slow as molasses to you experts but it’s fast for me.

Plus, you gotta UV map everything by hand in Lightwave and Zbrush does it for you, praise be. Everything’s so much easier in Zbrush.

What I AM going to do with the next model is use that nice Zapp Link plug-in to take the painted texture to Photoshop and snag skin and eyebrows and lashes and lips off Aneta or one of the other models at 3d.sk. Aim for more realism.

I’ll learn. I’m psyched. :slight_smile:

Thanks a whole lot for the tips and encouragement. Pleasure talking to you, Atwooki.


No probs :slight_smile:

Keeness is the key :+1:

Plug away at it, and you’ll be just fine

Be stopping in again…!
