
Making a tilable texture using the noise function?

Hi all,
I’ve been experimenting with the surface noise function and trying to get some nice details for a tileable 2D texture. I was wondering if there’s a way to set the noise to tile across edges, as you would on a plane.

I’ve got an image of what I’m seeing, where the noise is generating from the middle of my plane. I’d like it so that the noise tiles seamlessly across the edges of my model, rather than butterflies in the middle of my model.

thanks for any help!



Have you tried playing with the XAngle offset, down the bottom of the plug-in?

Yes I have done that, and that certainly moves the seam away from the center of the plane which is good, but it doesn’t appear to help the issue of tiling seam edges.


Mmm… Tough one! Might not be able to?