Here is the final result of my digital portrait of Mahershala ali. All sculpted and painted in Zbrush using HD geo. This was my project as part of the program ‘‘a fly on the wall’’ by Kris Costa. It has been very challenging and a great learning experience. There of course things to fix but I’m moving to new things. Cheers!
Came out really great! congrats! How many polygons did you hit? maybe around 60 mln…? Reaaly awesome work… you should be proud!
Hey Jay! thanks for your comment. It was HD geoemtry in Zbrush. So you can really go crazy within that. I think I reached 180 Mill. It’s really amazing how fast it bakes huge maps if you regular subdiv doesn’t go over 2 mill before getting into HD.
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Thank you so much Jaime for your words. Taking his class was definitely the right choice for me but also a great challenge. The passion that drives him motivates everyone of us.
That is something new for me! I have to check it out… Thank YOU!
amazing details