This model is sculpted and textured in zbrush. It was created with game limitations in mind. the shader used to create the skin was baked down to a texture.
Nice! Very good likeness
Fantastic!! small_orange_diamond
Only the hair looks mat, you could add some specular to this shader. Anyhow, I want to play this game you had in mind
great job!!!
Knew who it wa in the thumbnail.
Exactly like the real one!
Incredible! O ren Ishi i lives again!
Wow, looks great…would love to see some more shots.
Just beautiful!
I would love to see breakdowns. small_orange_diamond
which game limitations?
can you show us the model without textures?
i like to use a combination of photos, procedurals,baked down shaders and hand drawing to make my textures. These untextured images of the model show the skin shader i was using to make the render in zbrush.
As far as game limitations the game this was being made for we had a image based shader system similar to zbrush’s matcap shaders.
That is truly stunning.
Does her left eye sit higher than the right in true life? It seems very odd to me.
Yes I believe her eyes are like that I was using some good photos to make her face I matched her eyes to the images. To make faces I use 2 main things zbrush’s image plane, and mayas bonus tools floating texture tool. Basically I will first project a image straight on to my model .Then I make a texture of this and then I go into maya and make my geo match the texture useing floating texture tool in maya .I like to do it this way because its hard to trust zbrush’s perspective camera.
Thanks so much for sharing this. Amazing. It’s striking how much personality is in her freckles. The blank model might never be identified as Lucy Liu, while the textured version is spot on. The eye assymetry is a great example of why mirroring is unnatural, too Great work!
thats beatiful! amazing likeness!
thanks for posting!
Shes sexy Lee. Great job. Pores are bigger/more noticable than I would have expected to see, but I havent looked at reference to see if she infact does have such pores. Usually women and children have smaller pores.
cool likeness, congrats!
congrats on a perfect sculpt!
Simply amazing and photo real! So great!
Wow. That’s definitely her! Very nice work