
King Kong Head (WIP)

Hello Everyone :slight_smile:

This is my first post up on the forums and I’m excited to do many more in the future.

I’m fresh out of Art School, and looking for job prospects in Character Modeling :slight_smile: Anyway this is a WIP of the King of Kong of what I have so far. I am still deciding how I want to do hair :confused:

I built him in Max, Textured in Photoshop, Detailed him in Zbrush, then re-imported using Normal Maps and Disp. Maps. The one on the lower right is an unsmoothed version of the base-mesh textured. ( I am aiming towards a next-gen game model )

Kong Head WIP.jpg

C&C is more than welcome, I would love to hear from you guys on any improvements that need to be made.

I plan on giving him a body next :stuck_out_tongue:
David Rose
Email: [email protected]

Hey, David.

I am very new to zbrush and 3D but I’ll give a few thoughts.

I think the mouth area that joins the upper and lower lips is too far forward in his “yell” pose. Maybe it should go back a bit. You can tell it in the side view.

edit… in a yell, the lips would most likely be pulled back (toward the back of the head) and as it is, it appears to be a hole instead. Or, it has the shape it would have if he was sucking on a 12" wide peppermint stick. The anger will multiply in your model if the lips pull back more to expose more gums and teeth. Just my opinion.

His nose seems smeared to one side a tad.

The eyes look really good! I think you have a good start to it.


Thank you very much for your critique :slight_smile:

I totally agree about the mouth though, someone told me also that he looked a bit like the “Alien” :stuck_out_tongue: I think that may be one of the main reasons :slight_smile:

I will post changes as well as the begginings of the body as soon as I can

I agree with what Tim said.

Are you useing refrence? I wouldnt only look at “kong” pictures but gorillas in general, look at their proportions and form etc… dont get into detail or anything untill your form is great.
its like building a house, you have to have a good structure before you start to really add your finishings.

Thanks again guys for the critiques

Nice Monkey on your site VVDFX :slight_smile:

Ya I think I have been pushing myself too hard and too fast on this model, and put the digital cart before the horse by starting on textures already.

I went back to the drawing board ( literally ) on looking at more references, as I was using only the movie screenshots beforehand :stuck_out_tongue: I did a few concept sketches. Thought I’d upload one of them just for the hell of it.

Ok time to get back to modeling :wink: DRose Gorilla Concept.jpg

Tired of Gorrilla’s Yet? :lol:

2nd Head Front.jpg

I know I’m not, this has been an incredible learning experience for me so far.

Thought I’d post up a second WIP head

Still much to do and much more to learn :smiley:


2nd Head Side.jpg

Here is a little picture I did of what I think you did not do on your 3d model that your concept had.

  • First your drawing really has mass around the mouth especialy if you look around the lips, but in your model you seem to have flatten them out, more like little ripples.

  • Second I think the basic shape of your mouth on the first model looked better, I think you only need to square it off more on top.

  • and Finnaly It’s just my oppinion :stuck_out_tongue: and sorry if my explanations are not very clear. My point is that your drawing is GREAT! and it seems like you concentrated more on the details instead of the basic mass for your model.

Oh and sorry if was a little “raw” :slight_smile:

hope you can realize what I mean, good luck




I was having fun with edge looping your drawing so I continued some more :P, Hope it will inspire you.


Good luck

I think your going for a Roar, right? your model now looks more like a “hoot” that gorillas do and their mouth looks similar to this. so in a sense, it would be getting close to that Hoot look if thats what your going for.
if not, its to round, like what was mentioned, square it off a bit.

The nose, you where closer in your first model to a gorillas nose. study your refrence more. if you do you will understand form much better.
again, I think your jumping unto detal to soon. Id spend alot of time with the model in around subdivide 4 just getting your form right, then the higher you go the more you can refine it. after all of that and your as high as you want to bump it up to you can add your detail.
Folds are forms, and can be established early on…but they can only be established if you have the proper form under it to hold that fold. like puting windows on a house…cant put a window up if there is no foundation under it.

refrence is all I can say to help you, study it and you will learn.

good luck,

Holy crap guys I simply cannot believe your repsonses!

I mean to actually post up help like that, really proves how great this forum community can be :slight_smile:

Friends say that my Kong study has gone from an Alien to an Orc :stuck_out_tongue:

It turns out I need to do a third head anyway because of an import mistake I made, I imported the eye spheres for reference, but now ZBrush is totally confused when it comes to my UVW cordinates and it is impossible to create Normal Maps/Displacement Maps.

But I will get this model right

I can’t thank you guys enough

Thought I’d post this time before I got into too much detail…

This is the base mesh currently sitting at 2800 polys

I reworked the nose and mouth a bit also adding more detail into the mesh
Also I wanted to give him overall more bulk than the previous heads

The mouth still bothers me though, can’t seem to get it right :confused:


3rd Head Base Mesh WIP.jpg

I finally noticed one thing that’s way off :stuck_out_tongue: (smacks self in head)

The face is just simply way too large for the head, the head needs to be much bigger and a bit more lumpy on the top.

Sometimes it hard to see problems with your own work after looking at it for hours and hours :lol:

I’ll post changes soon

Okay Now I feel a bit more comfortable with the basic form,

There will be more adjustments made for sure but I think I am finally ready for
the fun part…

DETAILS!!! :smiley:


3rd Head Base Mesh WIP.jpg

On way of finding out what migh bug you would be to make a low res of the teeth and gums and just set them in the mouth to see if you can feel him “Roar !” :stuck_out_tongue: since the teeth are a big part of the character.

Much better! keep up the great work.

Looking better! take your time with these things…you could still spend time on your form if you really wanted it right.

keep it up!

Heh Heh been a while since I’ve posted an update…

Looks like I have a woman in my life now, she kind of came out of nowhere and has come crashing through my life like a wrecking ball. Time Management is oh so important :lol:

Well that’s my excuse anyway why I’m not farther along :wink:

Ok here’s some pics of where I am currently, with much work to do still.

I HAVE however started on the body blocking out a base mesh. I’ll post pics of that later on.3rd Head WIP Renders.jpg


3rd Head Detail Shot.jpg

Its getting there D and a Vast improvement too:+1:

Well, he looks shocked more than angry. Sorry, but that is my take on it! It’s the mouth. It just looks more like an “O” than the squarish shape of lips pulled back over teeth with the sides stretching.

Well, sorry to hear about the woman. HEHEHEHHEHEHEH j/k
