
Ken Brilliant Lesson 2 - The Cactus


This second tutorial by Ken Brilliant illustrates how to combine a very simple ZSphere model with the Tool>Deformations to create a complex-looking mesh with very little effort. In short, in a fraction of the time that it would take with other programs.

:small_blue_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: :red_circle: Click Here to Download the PDF (343 kb) :red_circle: :large_orange_diamond: :small_blue_diamond:
Note: You must have Acrobat Reader installed to be able to view the tutorial after unzipping it.

Thank you, Ken!

In addition, we’re issuing a challenge to all ZBrush members:

Use the techniques shown in this tutorial to create your own ZSphere model with deformations. Share your results here showing BOTH the ZSphere model and the resulting skinned mesh.

We look forward to seeing your results!

<hr width=75% align=center>

Other tutorials in this series:

:small_blue_diamond: The Octopus
:small_blue_diamond: Membrane Curvature
:small_blue_diamond: Unified Skinning
:small_blue_diamond: MultipleMarker Skinning
:small_blue_diamond: Hard-Edged ZSpheres
:small_blue_diamond: Stylized Illustration
:small_blue_diamond: UV Mapping
:small_blue_diamond: Transferring Textures
:small_blue_diamond: Compositing



Another Ken B tutorial - hooray! Thanks Ken and Matthew for what I’m sure will be another very informative and entertaining document.

And I know I didn’t respond to the last one (very busy just now - but I will have a go sooner or later), but I think the idea of issuing a subject-related challenge with the tutorials is a good one. Encourages experiment and promotes growth. It’s the way I usually tackle tutorials anyway - use the ideas but put my own slant on the subject and maybe try to come up with a few bells and whistles.

Well I am not certain that this is acceptable for the challenge, but here is my effort!

:b2: :b2: :b2:

:b2: :b2: :b2:
:b2: :b2: :b2:

Had to edit and replace the pic, as for some reason it loaded very dark…

<font color="#949494" size=“1”> November 11, 2002 Message edited by: Northstarr </font>




These lessons are a great learn by doing, I appreciate the effort and time it takes to prepare these tips. I followed your tutorial on my own Cactus tree and also added a little texture bumping. Knowing what the “Edge Smoothness” does opens up some new experiments.

and the Zsphere model

<font color="#949494" size=“1”> November 12, 2002 Message edited by: Digits </font>

That’s a really good plant there, Digits. Very natural and terrific material!

Here is an image I was playing with. Nowhere near finished but thought yall might wanna take a gander . (thats was my psuedo southern) :smiley:




aha - edge smoothness :slight_smile: never found that one, thanks Ken! another great tut :+1: :+1: :+1: i mistreated some baobabs that way although i am pretty sure they are rather smooth (not only jaggy-wise) in reality :slight_smile:

  • juandel

I’ve ZBrush 3. I followed the Ken Brilliant’s tutorial, but can you explain me how to Set the Divide modifier to 7. Thanks!

Thanks. May I ask a question? (I will! grin)

Where is lesson 1?
I do know of a lesson 8 on UV’s…was that it?

Do a search for threads started by me with “Brilliant” in the title. That’ll pull up the full list.

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