
Just another sketch.. female head

ggrrrrr…was just able to get back online…charter.net has been down for the past hour and a half…but that is another bone to pick with them when I pay the bill next…double grrrrr…:evil:

My buddy, the boxer came by and picked me up tonight to go sit at a local diner at midnight…and we stayed chatting there till close to 4…gave me a bit of time to sketch while visiting…and this was the result of that …(but the downside was…do you realize how many cups of black java I can suck down in that time frame…major caffeine buzz at the moment…)

Here is the sketch downsized to fit…thought I would share…may try to do her in zbrush…females are very hard for me to sketch and model… mine always come out looking way too manly or look like drag queens…lol…

here she is…thnx for lookin…
aka the buzzing catfishmn :cry:

for a larger image click the thumbnail…gotta sneak to bed coz the wife will kill me if she knew I was still up …oops:o



will post the ref pic …but tried her again…working on a 3rd one now…she is pretty enough…just have to practice enough to get her right…and I know, it doesnt really look like the reference pic…double growlies…that’s why the practice…

thnx for lookin
[email protected]

any and all crits will help I am sure…and appreciated…

reference pic thumbnailed

and please feel free to stake a stab at her yourself…would enjoy the company on this:+1:




3rd try same ref pic…don’t like this one as much as the second one…was going to spend more time on it, but it wasn’t going in the direction I had hoped…sighssssssss…




Ok…number 4…they all look so different to me…grrrr…this one is a bit longer faced to me…I will call her Mr.Ed…well that is enough pencil drawing for the night…at least on her…

thnx for viewing,



Hi Ron,
nice drawings…:slight_smile:
Best wishes for you and your family and Happy Christmas (Buon Natale in italian:cool:)



Thank you, Cameyo!!! and back at ya’ to you and your family and loved ones.


ps. I haven’t drawn anymore this week on this because there just isn’t enough time…grrrr… shopping shopping and errrrr more shopping…

“O the pain, William…o the pain”