Hi,been a looong time since I’ve posted anything,finally after seeing some really inspiring work here I thought I’d post a few recent concepts,sculpted in Zbrush with paint overs in PS,cheers Swin.
[attach=128763]Jedi.jpg[/attach] [attach=128764]Sith.jpg[/attach]
would like to see them in a next movie!
Wow,…both are amazing…I just saved as references
wow man awesome ilustrations
Yes they both certainly are amazing! I think the four armed one should have four light sabers though! If I had four arms and light sabers were real, I would!
The first concept rocks! Not too fond of the second one myself but the Cat Man makes up for it:D
These are so well done! Beautiful! !
dude, come on, if the renders get any smaller, i wont be able to say what im seeing ;d looks nice, but do you have a bigger version ? ;]
these are fantastic… a purely aesthetic crit though: the one on the right is creating a tangent with the light sabers… you should change the angle of one of them so it doesn’t look like he stabbed himself (at first glance). I had to look at it twice before I realized what I was seeing
These are both really cool! Glad to see you posting again Swin.Can’t believe no one has given you any stars yetI will.
really nice, the color tones of the work are great, the portraiture style works well to show off the charchters, like them alot.
impressive stuff !
can you show the renders from where you start you paint in ps ? could be very interesting.
It’s awesome to see you posting your recent stuffs here man , i’m a big fan of your works really inspiring
Hi,thankyou for looking and comments from everyone,here’s a bigger image for Slocik and the base zbrush render for jocz,and thankyou for that star Monstermaker,glad you like,here’s a B.E.M for ya.BTW I render out in zbrush a base image,a couple of spec passes and a shadow pass.combine in PS and paint,hope that helps,cheers Swin.
alien designs are fantastic, and nicely executed!
thanks for the screenshot! I thought you started from a polypaint, but this is quite similar and probably faster to do all in PS. Will give it a try one day. Again, very nice stuff,
you got my stars too
thnaks ;d Anyway, i remember your works from years ago, you didnt post anything for a long while, and you have some nice works on your site ;d
really nice renders. cant wait to see more
Wow! Fast update! These are so great (love the alien)!
, if you now what I mean
Amazing work!