
Japanese Manga character





Very nice Work Orita! :smiley:

very cute character. I like. :smiley: :+1:

This really captures the style. Could you possibly post some wips?

awww - so cute! I really like the second render:D

Thank you piz!
There is much such a work in Japan
I like too:)

Thank you gookle!
Japanese cute character:lol:

Thank you huan80!
I want to try!

Thank you Intervain!
I’ve begun to think so, too…:confused:





Those manga characters are built by ninjas to get inside your homes DONT be fooled by there big heads and stylish hair not to mention those Big… brown… cute… eyes…
Where am I? Ow look a cute little doll.

loli cuteness! kawaii!!!

she looks cute … very nice

haha Thats awesome!!! :+1:

It so refreshing to see somthing like this around here, i tire of all the monsters and beasts. Nice work!

This really is a well done character in the spirit of the style without the nonsense. I think we all would love to see more angles, shots and wires, it’s wonderful to see this quality of work here. :wink:

She’s a cutie, nice job :slight_smile:


Definitely agree with the rest here, great lil model you got going here. Well done simplified cute character. Gotta love anime/manga very interesting stylization. I’m glad to see you made some small changes to the torso and leg length or the pose appears to make it look a tad better portioned compared to the top images. Keep em coming, be nice to see more work from you! :+1: :+1:

I love it!