
Jack Nicholson as The Joker W.I.P

Here’s a caricature of Jack Nicholson as The Joker. I still need to nail down a lot of the finer details, still much to do. Any C & C’s are most welcomed and appreciated.




great job. very inspiring work.

Eiad: Thanks so much for your comments, its really not easy getting critiques & comments on zbrush central. Your king Fisal was very helpful in trying to get proper detail in Jack’s skin. Any suggestions on hair, im having the most difficult time .:mad:



Working with the BPR filters, and depth cue a little bit. C & C’s are most helpful and welcome.:slight_smile:jack_joker.jpg

I always love comic charaters! It looks awesome.

Looks really good!

very cool!

Really like this one! something needs doing to the hair but I can’t say exactly what. I guess it is very monotone but then his hair in the film is too. Hard to say what it needs, but I love the face, very strong caricature, especially the eyes and the mouth/teeth :+1:

Oh that’s a great caricature of the Joker!! I did prefer the eyes wide option you had in the first version of the sculpt, gave him a more madman look :slight_smile: But very awesome how it came out in the end. And hair looks great imo. Maybe a few smaller treads can add to the effect, but it is already looking amazing.