
Inspector Gadget for a Museum

last summer I’ve been contacted by the french Museum “Musée de l’Homme” to produce a 80cm high model, of Inspector Gadget. This Inspector is now displayed at the museum, in one of their gallery about “Augmented Man and Reality”.
The whole process took about a month and a half, from digital sculpting to client approval, 3d printing, cleaning and painting.
Here are some images of the process.
Hope you will like it…







Adding keys / pegs and splitting the model for easier later 3D printing and building…



then the 3D model was sent to the 3D printing company, then cleaned out (sandpaper and so on), primed and painted for final delivery…









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3D printed model, right out of the printer…

Now time for some post work (sanding and so on…)

And finally final product after paint job

All the post work, cleaning and painting done by my friend Stéphane Barret.
I was in charge of the 3d digital sculpt and 3d printing files.



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Really great sculpt :wink: What printer did you use ?

Hey Mathieu!
Didn’t know you were there too. :slight_smile:
Process was HD Stereolythography but don’t know the name of the machines to be honest.

Yes I’m here, I working on collectible process and 3d printing for futur work so first start to renew with the very coolest job “Sculpting” ^^

But I can’t remember where i know you ? Can you make me some refresh :wink:

You bought me the Alien man! :slight_smile:

Ha yes I remember !! Sorry your profil don’t have a lot of information ^^.

Clean an really nice work. I like it :wink:

Really nice sculpting and printing.
Can you tell me where do you print it in Paris ?

love it!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Wow so cool.
Thanks for the comments and Top Row. :slight_smile:

The printer was a HD system in Stereolythography.
That’s all I know. Printed in white hard resin.

Bravo dude! Bien mérité!

Thanks Marco! :slight_smile:

That 3D print is so awesome. Great work!

Congrat for the TopRow!!
Glad to see that Inspector Gadget is still in service! (it makes me remember when I was 8…)
I hope to find time to visit the “Musée de l’homme” to see it for real.

Bien joué pour le toprow,

j’irais bien voir le modele au muséum…

Thanks everyone!

@julien3d > yes ça vaut le coup, l’expo est top en plus, et la scénographie générale aussi. A voir.

what is your 3d printer?

Great 3D craftsmanship!

how can get the model i need to print