
Initialize mesh

Why does my initialize box not look like this? I get the same initialize box no mater which primitive I choose. The first image is what I get with the helix. The second is what everybody else sees with a cylinder.

Capture2 Capture

Hello @jimmylegs ,

The initialize menu with the greater array of options is only available when you have selected a parametric primitive from the Tool menu that has not yet been made into a polymesh 3D object. These are the parameters used in order to create the eventual 3d mesh. If you already have a 3D mesh, the initialize menu with the QCube, QSphere and QGrid buttons is shown.

Note that if you already have a polymesh 3d tool selected and append a primitive into it, it will come in already converted to a PM3D object. You would have to find the original 3D primitive in the tool menu and select it.


Thanks for the reply. This isn’t what I envisioned. I am working on a ecroche and was looking for a workflow for some of the muscles. If I open a tool to parametrically configure it I no longer have my reference. I have to guess at the shape then append it back into my project. I guess I will stick with deformers and zspheres. I wish you could use the gizmo on zspheres to deform the spheres along the chain before skinning that would be a great workflow for a bunch of shapes.