
IMP -(Doom)-












Thats great and i should know! eddie yang, rob ramsdel and myself john cherevka made the suit. i made all of those crazy eyes, sculpted on the body and painted the whole thing.

skullbeast : wow I didn’t know that you made this suit for movie. it’s honor to meet you! thx for like my working!

Lookin good!

I made the final boss monster “The Spider Mastermind” on the original Doom game and quite a few of aditional monsters for doom 2. They were all stop motion models like this guy.


My dad, Don Ivan Punchatz, did the cover art work for Doom and designed the logo.

I am going to have to revisit one of these characters in Zbrush one of these days.


punchatz : Hi. Nice to meet you. that’s really interesting sclupting. I know how hard to make stop motion animation. it will be great to see that character is moving. ah I didn’t know your father made this legend poster which is great.
inspired me to do this work. I wanna say “thanks” to your father. :slight_smile:

well if you have played Doom 2 you have seen him in motion :slight_smile: I did this about fifteen years ago.


I have not touched clay or foam latex for a LONG time.





Yo Ryan, the concept you used from the imp is from it’s Doom 3 adaptation.

As you can notice Doom 1 and Doom 2 have brown imps with spikes and only 2 eyes. Doom 3 has an imp that looks reasonably close to what you have going on though.

Oh and Punchats, that monster is my fav design in all the doom games, aside from the cyberdemon of course. Why does the clay model have black veins though?

Do you any more behind the scenes pictures like these? Im a huge doom fan, so it would be much appreciated.

Thanks! As this one is probably the one I had the most infulence in the design. The viens are patterns, like a snake or lepord might have.

I will try to dig some more stuff about the making of Doom for ya!


punchatz : 15 years ago… wow… yeh I can remember when I was in Korea Middle shool. Doom completly ruin my Mid-term test. haha~ it was scarly game ever I play. I wanna go back this time!

Manslaughter : you’re right it might be more closed doom3, actually it’s from Doom Movie. I posted the movie concept but I didn’t follow this concept art… it’s based on Doom movie suit.



its the right design, but the color is off. i painted it with a very dark african skin scheme (purple black), with light flesh highlights. the eyes were from a disease book they were either deadish kinda walleye look and puss yellow orange.

skullbeast : actually I like the concept in the movie is better than suit. it’s more like natual mutant, as a modeler I would like to do creature like this…

well there is only so much you can do with Mechanical head and a man in a suit.

My fav concept for the imp is from Doom 3 the game, exept that the colour scheme is grey.

skullbeast : I think full-3D will be shown better perfermance I beilieve but it’s all good!

Manslaughter : I wouldn’t paint on there cuz I didn’t plan to do this. maybe next time I will try!

skullbeast : I think full-3D will be shown better perfermance I beilieve but it’s all good!

Manslaughter : I wouldn’t paint on there cuz I didn’t plan to do this. maybe next time I will try!

Damn this incubus is great… i’d like much to see a Cyberdemon model (from doom 1), just as fine as this one, and i never find one. the cyberdemon is the king of doom monsters, and I encourage you to make one!

Cool. Nothing better than Doom! I still love playing that wonderous game. Somebody had a really cool dad, from the sounds of things! :wink:

I didn’t like the Doom movie but that imp looks superb. the original design was pretty lame, so I can see why they redesigned him in doom 3 which the movie was based off of. anyway this one is not done by me but the artists name is in the corner if you want to try searching him
