
how to hollow out my doll head like bjd dolls?

Hello guys
I need som help for my making 3d doll head especially when I wanna hollow out the doll head.
This picture is my doll head:)

I wanna convert it into 2 pieces (with open eyes of course)like the following picture ,but I’m tired to death for having these amazing and clean 2 pieces and don’t know how to do it,:confused:

After hollowing out with edge loop or creating shell I have this awful result:

Then I tried to make a hole for one eye and mirroring it for the other eye,in order to do this ,I inserted a cube and subtract it from my main doll head.you can see the result:confused:(with lots of holes on the surface):

I tried to smooth it to fill the holes but the final result was worse than before.
You know I want my model to be clean and commercial:o not sloppy like this:cry:small_orange_diamond:cry:small_orange_diamond:cry:

Please help me how to do it.Do you think that my process for making doll head and hollowing it out is wrong?
Thank you for reading my post.
I’m looking forward for your responses.




This is the forum for ZbrushCore, so I doubt you’ll get the best answer in here.

Have you tried to mask and extract?

Hi my friend:)
thanks for reading.
yes I did it after masking.
Whats your suggestion about which forum is more related to my problem?!?:confused:

The ZBrush trouble shooting forum. This is the forum for ZBCore forum.

I’d hollow the head with a boolean operation with a simple modified sphere, or if you have the new live booleans, just duplicate the head and shrink it to subtract it.

Thanks for your solution :wink: . I’m trying it out.