
how to fix it?

It looks like one pallet over the other.
How to fix it?
Something is wrong with the pallets anyway.Sometimes they open partially.When I press on preferences I don’t get all the options like before.
Is there a way to reinstall R46 completely?





Is there a specific reason you can’t upgrade to 4R7? I did as soon as I could.

I did upgrade but having problems with 4r7 too.
I posted on this earlier also contacted support.
4R7 will crush when i am trying to manipulate a tool.
4r6 was good but I was changing opacity in preferences and since then it started playing up.

Was it (x32) or (x64)? I’ve seen people having more problems with the (x64) version than the other. I’m running (x64) and it mostly behaves for me :wink: .

4R7 both 64 and 32 crush.
Does it happen to you if you load any tool then pres edit then press either move,scale or rotate button on the top to the right of the draw button zb crushes?

Seeing as I both have a custom UI and use the Hotkeys W, R, and E for them; Nope. Link below my post if you want to see my UI and or integrate it and and a bunch of useful scripts :wink:


I uninstalled 4R7 completely and installed a fresh one and it doesn’t crash!!!