In the top of the model there is quite a few faces sticking out. I’d like to make the top ring flat. So anyone know how to achieve that? Many thanks!
Hello @Opheliah
A low poly approach that would mostly preserve your existing topology would be to stitch the points together with the Point> Stitch function in ZModeler.
You could also flatten the entire top of your model by using a Live Boolean object to subtract the topmost portion, and create an entirely new flattened mesh while preserving the original subtools if you’d like to perform the operation differently.
You may wish to ZRemesh the the resulting mesh to clean up the topology after the operation. The boolean operation should result in a clean polygroup on the topmost plane, and you can use the “keep groups” option in ZRemesher to keep the edges there clean for creasing.
Good Luck!
You can use Gizmo scaling. Mask all except the verts that stick out. Activate the Gizmo and ALT-click the masked face to the left of the unmasked points (blue line on the left goes through it). Then repeatedly drag the scale box on the Gizmo axis normal to this face and it will pull all the unmasked points down to the level of the Gizmo position. Fine tune the Gizmo position if you like by ALT-dragging it wherever you want the origin of the scaling operation. So for example, if you wanted all the verts on the upper polyloop to be at the same height (I’m assuming Y up) then mask every vert but these, Gizmo : Go to Unmasked Mesh Center, ALT-reset Gizmo orientation and then scale in the Y direction. This is a really useful workflow for aligning meshes or parts thereof.
You could also mask all but the points to move, align your view and use the clip curve brush to move the unmasked points back to the curve. However this method may not have the accuracy you want but it will preserve the topology.
Have fun.