
holes in mesh when import to zbrush 3.12

i use zbrush 3.12 in macOSX 10.5.6.
everytime i want to import any xxx.obj i got wholes in the mesh of the object.
sometimes it works, but as soon i devide for the first time to “2” the mesh got worst.

i read many threads, but the problem is, that all the descriptions are for PC 3.1, not for 3.12. there were many changes in 3.12. i also read “whats new in 3.12” but found no solutions.

how can i import xxx.obj 1:1 to the original one without mistakes?
see pictures, what i mean.
first is from blender - it seemed to be normal.
second is from zbrush - it seemed to be, that inside is outside or something strange thing.

thanks a lot for help.
:eek: exting_b.jpg



Something has caused the normals to flip. You can use Tool>Display Properties>Flip to flip them back rightside out. Or you can use Tool>Display Properties>Double to display the polygons as double-sided which will hide the problem.

thanks a lot. i tried and it worked.
