

Hey everyone, it’s been a long time since my last post, but I have managed to find some time lately to start a new personal project. I plan on making the whole character but i was side-tracked playing with vray shaders. I hope you like it so far…feel free to help me out with any critiques.





thats pretty awsome. i remember seeing some picture online of a guy who looked just like this. he had a brother too. :slight_smile:

Yeah Dresie and Casie Williams was is their names, crazy pic…great for reference

the model looks awesome! great sculpt.

Are you using vray in 3dsmax? I’m trying to use vray in maya, but I can’t get the displacement to work.


Freaky Awesome :+1:
Could you share your material and render setting?

You probably noticed this, but he has a line in the middle of his head. But everything else looks awesome. I like the discoloration on his bottom lip.

Beautifully ugly!

Very well done :slight_smile:

nice ugly as said before :smiley:
render on maya MR ?

yeh this is looking great:+1: you obviously already know this but there seems to be an issue with the uv seem but other than that it looks superb. I really like the stubble on the sculpt, would be interested to see your technique for this.
Once again thumbs up:+1: :+1:

great sculpt and awesome render!
His eyes look a bit fuzzy though but thats just nitpicking :slight_smile:

wow awesome hillbilly hahaha keep it up bro

that’s fantastic.

It reminds me of the Moonshine brothers! great work :cool:


nice face))):+1: :+1:

This is looking awesome!!!
please your material and render setting!!! :slight_smile:

Fantastic job on this! A face only a mother could love.

Great Rendering and sculpting,
I was about to swear I’ve seen this guy before. Now I’m sure. He reminds me of Mark Alfrey Sculpting videos Prosthetic Make UP for Beginners. But this means you nailed him man.

What is your vray rendering setting for this high quality render? What is your lighting setup? I used to use vray before but when I started school I had to use MR.

Now for the critique … for The eyes … my only suggestion is to give them some depth. Because they look a little bit flat. but I got to tell you Personally I don’t do a good eyes either.

It’s superb! Excellent. :+1:

really cool work! awesome skin shading!

i remember one feature “fix seam” in the texture map-panel. maybe you could try that to get this seam fixed. :slight_smile:
keep it up :+1:

Really nice work! I especially like the skin rendering and quality that you have achieved.

Peace, NickZ. :slight_smile: