
Help with Retopology

Hi guys/Girls Im haveing a problem wih retoplogy of this head Im working on.
Iv build the mesh and now I cant project my old mesh onto the new with out really undesirable results.
Any help will be really apreciated.


Could it be that your polly count is too high?
I’ve had what looks like the same problem before and I fixed it by reconstructing subdivide levels and taking it back to the 2nd level before Iretopologysed.
Im not sure though. Hope someone can help.
I’d be interested to know too.


Have you tried adjusting the Projection Strength and ProjectRange sliders?

aurick - Yes I have and the same thing happens just worse imploding or exploding.

siah - Ye I have tried loading lower divisions in but the same thing happens. really struggling with this

The most frequent reason when projection is on are connecting point like i show in the images both your and also in the zscript i made for you.

You have to look your model from bottom to top to see thta points also i suggest to change the color of the mesh to get your poit highlighted.


ZBrush Document-RETO.jpg


Retopology, while promising, is still a source of frustration.

Why the dumb root zsphere? All it ever seems to do is get in the way, and attract unwanted linkages that screw with your cage.

I hope whenever Z.* gets out, they will fix it. It could be a really killer tool, but it is too buggy in most cases.

that is the reason why i after two or more point i see where is to delete it!
in that way i dont found that problem. I use the retopo in a regular fashion, practically in all the model i do i make a very low res with projection on and dont have that problem.
When i get that type of distort mesh i search in the mesh for that unwanted point:D

Thx for the tips.

andreseloy - Ive been lokoing at all the points and found a few “disconnected” ones, but didnt change anything.
I also couldnt load the script of yours

I think Im gonna try rebuild the topology at a lower lvl see if it works there

Let us know how you go.


I’m curious if you solved your problem. I’m currently experiencing the same bug and can’t seem to find out what is causing it.