

hey guys im still a big z noob ive whipped this head up and wanted to ask iff there are any basic detailing and mapping tuts out there cheers.face5.jpg

Hi uncle-gav! I’ve seen your reply in my thread.
Are you looking for High-details tutorial?

yer that would be great.

im slowly learning my self about projection map
that thing it so awesome. heres a bit more work.dehead.jpg




I would crap my pants if i saw that face standing infront of me, when I’m about to wake up. :eek:

cheers mate

just did a little photoshop tryed 2 tones and sharpend it up a little bit .
crits welcomegwilly1.jpg

That’s a nice start!
Why don’t you look for some zscripts/videos at the “Tutorials” area?

Here you can find the " PRATICAL GUIDE ".
It will be much profit for your modeling skill. :+1:


thanks guys very greatful.

im not happy with the skin tone so i have been fooling around a bit more tell me what you guys think.yukkers3ed.jpg

hey guys detailed it some more photoshopped alot of work into it very very very pleased crits welcome cheers.meltsmokeblood1.jpg

You could try the eyes now… what you think?
This exercise can teach you how to use the Projection Master and some more detailing.

(Ah! And inside the Zscripts’ folder i think you can find some of the Practical Guide’s exercises.)

cheers guys yer i will put some eyes in
originally he was just squinting u can notice that in the lighter shots
but with the recent one its quite dark around the eyelid area so yer
updates soon thanks.

scarface? :laughing: :laughing: :+1: :+1:

hah yer b4 i melted his face i thought he looked a bit like gomez is it? the fat pail guy out of the adams family.