
Head test

This is my first official Zbrush creation. I have only explored 2% of this program and I’m still pretty lost but I’m getting it slowly. I understand the mechanics behind it.

Anyway, I created a simple zsphere shape (3 for the head and 1 for the neck) and then worked with edge loops to get a decent mesh before dividing and modelling (or should I say ‘sculpting’. I love this program…). The only thing I changed later was masking the ear polys and dividing them. I’ve attached the original mesh for anyone to play with. I did skip some edgelooping like nostrils and better eyes and mouth because it was getting tedious. And one time, I kept getting a polygon disappearing and another which refused to edge loop. And one time, in band camp… :smiley:

So here’s the result of five hours work. It’s not fantastic and there are things I’d fix but, since this was just a test, I’m not modifying it further.

Anyway, enjoy the low res mesh.

Revanto :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: Because I started edgelooping at level one I had a challenge getting a cut in the middle but luckily smart resym helped me with that.






Good looking head and proportions, there must be other programs that you know
by 100% , am i right:)


Yep, Lightwave but not 100%. I know enough of the program to get by. Anyway, I could have made a basic head in Lightwave and imported it in but the purpose of the edge looping was to see how I would do in Zbrush. :wink:

Revanto :stuck_out_tongue: