
Gremlin - WIP


Just posting a work in progress. I fancied making something a bit retro, and after watching this on TV over Christmas, thought it’d be a nice challenge to create.

Think the modelling’s just about done, so he needs a texture now. I’ll post more as I work on him.

1) Gremlin views.jpg


2) Gremlin 1st render.jpg

I’ve been thinking of a project for some time now and your gremlin would fit in nicely.

The Chronicles of the Gremlins: a 3D animated series. I dont have a specific title yet since the synopsis could change over time.


During world War 2, the grand-father of the young kid in the first movie crashed landed on an island. The grand-father -in his mid 20 at the time- discovers a ruin witch looked like a laboratory. But what is stranger is the fact that the laboratory possesses technology (machines) that cannot exist on earth: not to his knowledge at any rate. (Remember the story takes place during the WW2 period.)

After he starts comprehending what the laboratory was for, he will encounter his first gremlins and later his savior-friend: a minority Mogwai. (see web page at the bottom of this post for reference about the minority mogwai)
He also discovers and other ruin site witch seem to predate the laboratory ruin

The rest of the movie will be about surviving, getting out of that island, revealing part of what the older ruin was and what other mystery the island holds-like creature prey of the gremlins.

Simply written, that’s the synopsis

I’d like you to be part of the non lucrative project as the Character Modeler (for the gremlin part-- and other if you’d like.)

Since the Gremlin franchise is copy righted I’ll never be able to sell any part of this so dont worry about me abusing your confidance or what not.

If the project really takes shape, I’ll make a web site for the evolution of the project and to make us known to the general web surfers.
Here is a site quite interesting about the gremlins http://gremlins.wordpress.com/

Please write back to me even if not interested because I’ll be waiting an answer before asking others or even modeling it myself (although I doubt I’d be able to model it as nice as you did.)

I anticipate having you for the project.

Freddy. [email protected]

Hi there!

Thanks for the post, sorry i didn’t reply, but I’ve not on here for a while.

As great as your idea sounds, I’m afraid I couldn’t possibly commit to something that big, as my own work at the moment is taking over any personal stuff I’d like to do. Proof is the fact that it’s been a month since I posted this and he still isn’t painted. I was really impressed with your idea though and hope you get it off the ground :slight_smile:

Thanx for taking the time to ask though, really flattered!

I understand prefectly what you mean. I, myself, am quite busy.

Well maybe I could ask for a sort of favor then. Since your model is already done (except for the texturing) would you consider sending me your gremlin model as a OBJ and i’ll texture it myself in Bodypaint 3D.
The simple fact that I wouldn’t have to model the beasty would help greatly in the process.

Again…this is merely a fan-fiction project.

Maybe if I create a demo., some people will have an interest in the project.

Please reply either way you agree or not, I will respect your choice.


I recall that the gremlin’s facial folds are more pronounced that what you have. I only bring it up because I too was working on re-creating the awesome gremlin puppet in 3D…They are terribly evil looking crew. :evil:
Too bad I watched the first movie again recently and decided the whole thing was WAY more campy/corny than I remembered.


