
Gorilla - Box sculpting

Hi, it’s my first artwork here.
Gorilla bust, sculpted from Cube3d with 6 Polys. 10 subd levels, 1572 Polys,no any Edge Loops and Polygroups.

  • 30 minutes for the main form, and about 3-4 hours on a detail, a wrinkle and etc.
  • some time for simple painted texture and final compositing in Photoshop.
    I hope you like it

big size


big size

Oh, many thanks to ZBcentral for useful articles and tutorials!

Why some people just do 3d based in the latest commercial movie? Lack of imagination? Hey it looks almost like King-Kong…Happy?

Your work is very professional, it doesn’t matter to me if it’s inspired by King Kong…

Thumbs up :+1:!!!


well darkshift king kong looks like a lot of gorillas I know so why didn’t they make him look different? Your comment was uncalled for especially from someone with an empty gallery themselves.

Leshiy3d…you did a damn fine job of box modelling this fellow to life. I like the textures on the middle pic. Keep up the good work!

Why some people just write such stupid posts?
You know, a modeller is not always a character designer, and his job is most of the time, to bring an already exsisting design to 3d. I´m sure he did this just for practice reason,it´s a really good excercise because you find a lot of refence images over the net from Kong.

I really like your model,very nice overall shape and the detailing is very good :slight_smile:
Great first post :+1:

Great Box-modelling - nice Work - and a fine Texture :+1: :+1: :+1:

From box model to anything that looks like that, in that time is a good acheivement in my mind. Stick some hair /fur on him in another package and he’ll look really special. I like the fact he looks like an older gorilla with less specular skin than we usually associate with young apes.

I started modelling doing stuff inspired by a certain series of films. So to my mind it doesn’t matter in the early days what you model as long as it’s something. After all its the old saying…practice makes perfect. I also agree that modeller and character designer are often blurred in peoples minds. As a model this does exactly what it ‘says on the tin’ and looks like a gorilla. (All be it at the moment a hairless one.)

I’m giving you 5 stars for getting this model to this stage for two reasons. Firstly its well executed in the time you had. Secondly because you started with a basic cube with no edgelooping etc. So it was a valuable expience that no doubt you’ll use in your future models.


Darkshift, lets see what you can do in 4 hours starting with a box.
Personally I think this is a damn fine gorilla, and I happen to know a little bit about gorillas. I think it is very clever the way Leshiy3d made it . If he was trying to make Kong I think he would of made a point of putting in the scars and snag-el tooth ect.
Welcome Leshiy3d Very nice job, and I like the animation showing how it was done I’ll have to try that. Please keep posting. Most of the people are really nice on this forum

sometimes, less is more. very good job.

Thanks for the input Darksh!t… I mean Darkshift.

Welcome. Your first post is really impressive. Keep posting.

Often visit ZB Central to look at the great work posted by others although rarely post myself. This is great modelling Leshiy. Darkshift… don’t know what your problem is but if you have nothing useful to say then perhaps you should say nothing.

From the expression, I’d say it’s less Kong than Ishmael (from quite possibly the best book you’ll ever read).

As for why someone would have to post like that, well, folks have to do SOMETHING to make themselves feel better – you’re just starting out, and already beyond him. It’s like kids throwing rocks and pulling hair because they like each other. I’m sure he meant it as a compliment.

Boy, I am not sure where that comment came from. I am blown away by this model, and it thinks it deserves a top row. I find it very appealing and inspirational. I am sorry you had to get a comment like that with such a fine posting. I hope that you do not get discouraged with a comment like that. I mean really, that is an amazing sculpt. Whew, inspirational!!! Please keep posting more of these fine four hour box modelling projects.:+1:

P.S. Nice wok on your site. I recommend checking out the site to anyone. Good Stuff!!!

This is a fantastic looking gorilla Leshiy3d. I took a look at your site, Great work, particularly your WIP section.

Drakshift, I don’t see anything wrong with modeling movie monsters or characters. Which I do not believe Leshiy3d was going for. Actually quite a few VERY talented people on this board model characters that they did not originally design or are originally from popular movies. Just take a look at four of the nine designs on the top row of the featured gallery. In my opinion the comment you made was unwarranted and weird.

Keep on Zbrushing!

Hey awsome model. How did you make the gif? Why dont I see more of those here? its like a tutorial in a picture. :eek:
I like the idea of no edge loops. I have had problems with them in the past, you cant ever change your mind with them your stuck with polys there foreever.(
echo echo echo)

Thanks all for comments.
I’ve made it very quickly, because I didn’t think about topology, it was simply a cube. And of course owing to rich tools of a digital molding. Without doubt for a digital sculpting - ZB kick ass!! :smiley:

Darkshift - Actually there are no relation with any movies, I just took a box and start to tweak it. I sculpted the most usual gorilla.

DivideandRender - I did switching on level, press PrtScr and insert the in Photoshop, and then I assembled it in ImageReady.

oh, sorry for my poor English (

“Thats a damm fine gorilla”, Leshiy3d…and its interesting to see how you made it !..i’m never sure what is the best way to do it, make a more detailed mesh and then sculpt the details or your - and Zach Petroc’s- way !..but i think mr. Baker is right…in the end its “just” a matter of doing…you did it…and it looks mighty fine !


Leshiy - great gorrilla, and I just checked out your site - I love the one eyed dyno - nice animation! Keep it up!

Wow! :grimacing:

You totally blow me out of the water lol, very very nice gorilla!
(sigh) I have much work to do :slight_smile:

Don’t listen to Darkshift :stuck_out_tongue: You really need to model something that exists at first when practicing and improving your skills THEN when you are a great modeler your creative works will look soooooo much better…

:+1: :+1: :+1: