
Goblin wip

hey all,
I’ve been working on this sculpt based on a painting by Paul Bonner.
I’m not sure how far I’ll take it but here’s a quick render from maya.

let me know what you think :+1:


bigger render here:



Great I like it a lot kotter :+1:

It would great to have a screenshot from the face, it seems really well done from here :slight_smile:

That is very cool, I love how you’ve made it look like a miniature figure. Nice presentation, and the sculpt is looking great too!

Looking really great, and like MoP said, super cool how it looks like a miniature figure :wink:
Btw, it would be cool to see your reference?
Keep it up!

thanks guys!

here’s a closeup on the face, zb screengrab and the ref. enjoy!





Paul Bonner is one of my favorite artists.

I think you did his painting great justice. Very nice sculpt.


Great sculpt!

thanks again guys, glad you like it.

I’ve updated the pose and hopefully it’s a little more dynamic.
There are some folded areas I’m not quite happy with that will have to be fixed before calling this one done and adding it to the folio.
Hopefully I can get it printed aswell :smiley:

If there’s anything you think I definitley should fix before letting it go please let me know :wink:

oh, and yeah… big image… sry :rolleyes:

I’d love to know the story behind the coffin. Who’s in it do you think?
I could totally see this as a bronze garden sculpture. It would be WAY cooler than a garden gnome.

AWESOME…WORK… :slight_smile: :+1: