
Ghost Rider Nicolas Cage

Hi, this is my latest work,I always want to make a thing ,So my first thought cage, Yes, that is him.
The model was created in MAYA, ZBRUSH and Textures in Photoshop the lighting and rendering was done in MAYA Mentalray.
Hope you like it !

Wow! Awesome work. :+1:

Great job. Looks like him, and the outfit came out amazing.


now,it’s some model screenshot .i made a long time ,you can find tpose and finsh pose is different. it’s almost re-carved over model.Because it is the first complete work so I spent a lot of time to take the process.If there are no accidents, next work will be faster .
hope you like it !!!





Nice render, those spikes need an AO map or something because they look like they are floating over the image, no depth. Spec could be tighter in the leather, it’s very shiny, not leather shiny. Same goes for his face, makes him look sweaty. background could be better too, the perspective, and quality doesn’t match the character, maybe some depth of field would help the side with the phone booth. Nice piece though, even though cage was horrible in that movie. Love ghost rider.:D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great Model! I’d say you nailed it! Awesome!

Looks like him. Good work!

Looks great, the only thing that threw me off was the hair in the render. The sculpt says Nicolas for sure, but the hair in the render just isn’t slick enough for Nicolas of Ghost Rider. Nice stuff though.


Awesome!! :+1:

Forgot to Add… 5 freakin stars from my side :+1:

That’s cos in the film Nic has the worst haircut ever known to man! :laughing:

Awesome work. :+1: :+1:

Good likeness. Nice job on the clothing, as well. :+1:

awesome work!

however, I think you should take out that cg hair from your render shot and replace it by the original hair sculpt you had in zbrush and see how it looks…

the render also killed some of the amazing likeness you had in the zbrush screen shot… I am not an expert of rendering and texture so i shouldn’t comment too much about it… but you shoudl definately take a look at it and see why the likeness changed from zbrush to the final render.

amzing model again…

thanks everybody reply.
now, model hair is not well,it’s put in there.
becausee,i will use “hair and cut”tomaking hair,so i didi not too much hair model.

killer cloth work man! :slight_smile: Great likeness too.

default pose is pretty good, too bad he has no expression in the final image.
good sculpt tho.