
Getting inverted normal map colors(see Image)

Hello guys,

3ds max 8: Low poly model generation
Zbrush 2.0: highpoly and normal map generation
Using Zmapper plugin
Quad Xeon processors at 2.8 ghz
2 gigs ram
Ati Radeon X800

Can anyone help me figure out why the normal map generated by zbrush is not looking like a typical normal map?
Where the orange/yellow/green colors are it seems that the map colors are being inverted.
If I select the odd color regions are inverted in photoshop they look correct. If it was inverting everything I could fix it, but is inverting only parts of the texture. How do I keep it from generating these inverted colors.



that is an interesting problem. I can’t help ya there but would like to suggest you also post the steps and settings you used to create it. That might help narrow things down for Aurick to help you quicker.

thats not tangent space normal map. i think its object space…or world space.

or i could be totally wrong and its just one freak of a normal map

try checking which preset you loaded