
Gaius Helen Mohiam - Bene Gesserit - Reverend Mother

“Paul Atreides… PUT YOUR HAND IN THE BOX!”
One of my favorite characters ever,
Maya-Zbrush-Photoshop-Mental Ray
Inspired By Linch’s 1984 movie “Dune”.


C’C’s as usual are welcome,
Thank you






looks great totally reconized this character right away, loved that film!!!

good job

Wooow I don’t comment often but this takes my breath away! Wonderful work, her eyes are just captivating!

Great job my friend , it turned out stellar :slight_smile: , top row material for sure!!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

excellent !!! :+1: :+1:

The beaded mesh is candy for my eyes and I like the handling of the base, with the drapery over the edge, nice!:+1:

Hey guys thanks a bunch i am happy you enjoyed it :slight_smile:
Grazie Ale


terrific :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: skulpt and texture! TR in my opinion.

I love Dune from D. Lynch, my choice would be probably fallen on Lady Jessica, since it looks nicer - this is not a criticism, just my personal taste as regards women. ;)<table id=“TransContent” border=“0”><tbody><tr></tr><tr><td>
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yay I agree, She look way hotter… on the beauty sense of things!
The reverend mother has, though, a weird blend between harshness and some weird sort of love/tenderness toward the Emperor tht I found enticing and I tried to capture.
Something bred from thousands of years old school aiming to control the senses but still a woman in the depth of it. I tried to convey that through her eyes.
Originally I was driven to make a bust of Vladimir Harkonnen but on blue ray resolution he looked way too nasty :slight_smile: anyway I might still work tht one out… although I am kinda pushed toward a desert suited blue eyes Paul Atreides since I want to perfect my grooming skills I want something with hair :).
Or maybe a verison of the God-Emperor early mutation phase?

very very nice, my only crit is that I wish you pushed the skin a bit more, it feels a little lacking, but other than that its a solid piece

Hey, thanks for the feedback! What aspects are you referring to? Might improve my shaders based on that.

Please do both!! great projects.

I love all the DUNE books, prequels and sequels as well as the film. Read the book before the film and still loved the movie, it’s a master piece. Your take on the Bene Gesserit is sublime! :+1:

Or how about one of the clones of Duncan Idaho? or a Face Dancer!!!

Great work. Would love to see more from you :sunglasses:

I love it. I did Paul for 3D print and the printed version looks great. I never bothered texturing him though. This is the printout if you’re interested http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showpost.php?p=747191&postcount=36

Your reverend mother looks great.

WOW! nice work. …hmmm time to put DUNE on in the background today.

I like the overall design and execution. I do agree about the skin. I think she needs more defined bump map or normal map to break the unnatural glossiness her skin has. Also the shinniess of the lips should be more than the rest of the face and right under the eyes tends to be shiny too. I think the scale of the shader may be off too since she is waxy from the SSS. Her skin is glowing from that I think too.

I’d also add a sphere around her eyes that are really wet looking, but doesn’t cast shadows to represent the cornea. It also refracts light and is not quite spherical so it will change the look of the eye dramatically. A mesh at the bottom of the eye and next to the lower eyelid should be added. This is another watery surface which is where a pool of fluid tends to collect at the eye. Makes a better transition to the lower eyelid.

Hope this helps.

Beautiful, love the cloth & weeave pattern on hand & chest :+1:

I wonder what was your workflow for placing the spheres at every vertex ? Some script in Maya or ?
Thats interesting and nice work!

the skin feels a bit waxy, expecially compared with the beautiful cloth shader you created. everything feels so real then you get to the face and it kinda falls apart for me. I would try and bump up the pore detail, or maybe reduce the SSS effect in certain areas like the forehead. Work with that shader a little more and this piece could be top row for sure! :slight_smile:

Very good))) Yesterday saw this movie :smiley: