a tribute to this great guy
Wow nice tribute to one of the greats! I love the eyes the most haha.
Buen comienzo abraXas. Aunque lo dejaras así me lo quedaba.
¿Lo vas a colorear o quedará como un fotograma de peli antigua?
:eek: :eek: :eek:
thats all
Excellent modelling and likeness.
I particularly like the wrinkles under the eyes, and on the lips.
Very cool. Looking forward to updates.
readjusting lips, teeth and cigar.
saltapiedras: va a ser b/n, groucho es en b/n. en color sería julius marx, y no sé que tal me iba a quedar, además. casi no hay referencias en color.
A young Marx
Nice work. My only comment is that I don’t think Groucho wore a real mustache when he was that young.
really great… i love how you did the hair…
wow a marx model.
Cool work abraxas.Are u going to texture this head?
thx all. just some basic b/w texture, and a good lightning and material will give the final look. modelling cloth and more skin details now
“Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?” (Groucho dixit)
Really good likeness. What is the polycount on this Model.
about 2.240.000 polys. too much inflat tool on hair and cloth
Nice job, I missed this the first time around !
trying material and lightning property of malikus t. b. (with a little tweaking). hope this won´t decrease rating even more
I personally think this is a great model. You might need more subD up on the hair there… it i looking jaggy, but, appart from that you are very good indeed.small_orange_diamond