
Fun with arrays and nanomeshes

4R7 is great!
Thanks Pixologic.


deneme 01.jpg

Pretty cool…

Thats awesome!

Thnx Mealea, your works are always an inspiration :slight_smile:

Thnx paleo3d :slight_smile:

…and a test render in C4D. It was pretty easy to send the nanomesh with GoZ but I couldn’t figure out how to send the color data :confused:

deneme 02.jpg

Really nice! Very pleasing. Nice use of array/nano. :slight_smile: Great final render too.

Thank you Dan-Burke :slight_smile:

Looks like a fine art installation, really amazing. Can you please expand on how you passed the colour data to C4D? Was this via the new FBX export option? Thank you!

Thank you Led :slight_smile:
Actually I couldn’t pass the color data to C4D. Trying to find a way to do that. UV mapping and textures perhaps?

Thanks, hikmeth, understood - passing polypaint info to C4D is a challenge for sure. I noticed this new C4D plugin recently which claims to load polypaint info, but I haven’t tried it yet, it’s at the bottom of the page called PolyPaint Pack: http://ruimac.com/plugins.htm

Thnx, I’ll look into it.