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Hey everybody I’m posting an update of the frogman. I don’t have a fancy renderer so I tried my best with z-brush. As a lot of you, I’m new to this program and am learning as I go. I just wanted to throw out some things I’m finding out to be really important.

  1. low polygon models have to have great forms, its very hard to correct your forms later
  2. making a model with quads and a really clean wireframe is imperative. this model has some really bad areas where it didn’t subdivide all that well and I blame myself for rushing the low poly model.
  3. and I feel stupid for saying this one but the alpha menu has settings which really make it fun and easy to work with them. (took me a week before I realized that)
    thanks The thrill


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Love it. But why do you keep starting a new thread? Ruins the flow of you showing us your progress. :wink:

starting to figure out just what the renderer can do. Pretty powerful stuff. any sugestions for antialiassettingsgood_render.jpg

Nice froggie!

For antialiasing the simplest and most efficient thing is the AAHalf button. Double your documents size(make it the double of your desired final size) and then press the magic button.

There`s also the SoftZ in the render pallete. Plus tool->display properties->dsmooth. The last one works only if quick(between the frame and edit buttons) is disabled.
Maybe some of this info is a bit redundant but I had problems figuring out where the darn buttons are so…

hey wanted to post an update of some color. I really wish I had my hands on some rendering software.



Zbrush will do it for you. However you can always grab the realy good, used on features stuff like 3Delight, Pixie, as most high-end apps export RIBs or have plu-ins to help you. :wink:

the over all feel I’m trying for is like an old star wars puppet feel.
I don’t understand the lights in zbrush. Can I place them where I want?
Feel completely free to crit away, I really need a great render. Any comments advice welcome.
Antialiasing a problem and softenening the shadows

You can. It takes a little understanding as you can’t zoom the camera around. A couple tutorials exist on the forum if you search.

Basically, they work the same as any app, in the lights tab, you can turn on and off, and changing the type gives you more or less control. I think it’s option/alt click on a light to send it behind the scene. However certain lights let you position in z axis as well as x and y axis.

I’ve never gotten around to a tut, but perhaps I will this year. :wink:

The trick to AA is to create your scene at twice the final size you need and then click on AA Half which gives great results.

Also on your final render make sure the Quick button is off and that Tool > Display Properties > DSmooth slider is where you need it and you can increase that more with the DRes slider.

Under render make sure your final render has Best highlighted and Shadows highlighted. On the lighting you need to play with the shadow settings to learn how they interact. For the lighting its best (IMO) to have one Sun light and then add other lights as needed. Some can be placed numerically and you should experiment to understand how they are placed in space.

Nice Character :+1:

Just realized I repeated some info - sorry. :o