
Flanking polygroup border

Hi everybody. Recently I was experimenting with some clothing patterns and I have that idea in my mind but as a beginner user I have a hard time to make it happen. I made a separate polygroup (blue one on the picture) and I would like to make another separate polygroup (black line border) that flanks the blue one. Is there any easy way to do that. I will be very glad for any suggestions. Cheers :wink:

Hi @Astroteles_Evetrials

There are a number of ways to do this, but any suggestion I make is going to assume that you are familiar with the shortcuts for polygroup and mesh visibility. These should be committed to muscle memory as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so, or many things in Zbrush will be more challenging than they need to be.

Keep in mind that a thin black border polygroup will require a mesh with sufficient resolution to define.

Remember also that Polygroups = Masking = Polypaint in Zbrush. If you can paint or mask a portion of a mesh you can convert it to a polygroup using commands like Polygroup from Polypaint.

  1. Hide everything else but your blue polygroup. Use the Tool > Visibility > Grow command to grow a thin border around that polygroup. Now hide the blue polygroup and use Polygroup > Group Visible. The border should now be a separate polygroup.

  2. Use the Group Loop function to define as many border loops as you want.

  3. Use Polygroupit with the “Border” function active.

There are many more ways, but this should get you started and help you understand many new ways to define polygroups.

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I was thinking before about a Group Loop option but It ended up being a multiple thin lines groups that were barely visible (not a single wide border like on the picture). Probably because of a too dense mesh. Looks like I still have to figure out to settle this function properly. However first solution sound like a peace of cake so cant wait to try it out also the third one seems promising. As always I’m very glad for Your Support. :grinning: