
First Zbrush Head

[color=orange]Hey just though I would post my first WIP. I did a chimp for a project not long ago, but this is the first human head I have attempted, just looking for some c&c so I can start another one.


Thnx guys



First human head!? You lie!!! :laughing:

Seriously though, that’s a thouroughly decent head sculpt :wink:
Perhaps post us some alternate angles/views?


Did you scult straight out of Zbrush or make a base mesh in another app. i.e. 3ds, maya, etc.? Looks good. Don’t be shy with the texture, just go for it.

Thnx guys, I’m glad you like it. Yeh I did a base mesh in silo then pulled it into zbrush and started playing. Didn’t really use any reference, and need to work on the ears in future, but I would rather do that more from the base mesh. Think I will give the texture a go. I’ll keep ya posted.

As requested another angle and the mesh.





Here is my attempt to start texturing him. I think I’m just a bit scared to go crazy :confused:




You are a quick study— !
I haven’t had time yet to REALLY get into it, but if this is a first effort, GOTTA make time
*I’ve been playin with the demo!

Did I understand correctly that 2.5 is shipping?

Can’t say I know much about 2.5 I’m affraid, but cheers for the compliment. I have just finished a 3 year degree in Computer animation so I have been modelling for a while, just only started to learn Zbrush. Thought I would make that clear, I’m not a complete newb, but I have a lot to learn. I’m aweful at skin shaders so if someone could give me some pointers I would be greatful.:+1:

Many and I, too, have yet to master the SSS pass.

BTW, Didja make the mesh from the mouth or use the new ZB MeshProjection plug-in?

If you have Maya and Mental Ray or if you have just Mental Ray, here’s a fairly decent tutorial that’s pretty basic and a good start. It goes into some depth and explination so there’s more experimentation and less discovery by the user.

Hope this helps.

Great tutorial! and resources!

Art4med - Sorry I’m not too sure what you mean by make the mesh from the mouth, so all I can say is I built the mesh in silo, brought it into zbrush and detailed it.

Firerbert - Cheers for the tut, I’ll give it a go and see what sort of results I can get. I have tried sss in the past but I have got quite mixed results. My skin didn’t look too bad, but I would lose a lot of detail in the model. This is from my chimp model


got bored and put a skin shader on.


