
First attempt at realistic head

I thought I’d try my hand at a realistic face. 100% ZBrush, starting from zspheres. I then created a few edge loops to help me along.

Obviously I haven’t started on the eyes, but I just wanted some feedback on the rest of the head so far. I’m not sure if I’m totally happy with the lips. Hmmm.

I’ve also included a link to download a very early .ZTL version of the bust. Just a basic head shape with groups and edge loops.


:small_orange_diamond: Click here for the basic bust .ZTL.

P.S. It’s ever so slighty based on myself. My head really is shaped like that :slight_smile:
The chin of the model I’m not really sure about either. I haven’t seen mine for at least 10 years now. It’s under a think mat of beard. :slight_smile:





Added the eyes (and for a bit of fun, quite a bit of weight).

I’m gonna go back to the thin version now and start to add details.


This is very good - and thanks for the download too.
I think the fat version is more interesting and may give you more of a challenge, and satisfaction when you’ve done it, but they are both very good in overall shape. Fine wrinkles and pores - (see Antropus’ tutorial - he’s a god for this sort of thing!) - that’ll be a real test. I’m struggling to add eyes to my own head at the moment, it’s difficult to put them in and make them look like they belong there.
Keep it up, and I look forward to updates.

Worked more on the profile instead. I’m alot happier now. :slight_smile:
Now for the detailing.

jit_gohil, thanx for the comment. I’m definately gonna get to the big guy once this fella’s done.




awesome job!
i loved the fat version…but i love the new one even more!

Thanx butt_sahib911! :slight_smile:

Another little update.

Added a bit of detail and eyebrows. Still more work needed on the details…


wow…i really like it…love it actually…

btw how did you add th eyebrows?

also…i really dont like the nostrils a bit…i think they are too close together and also abit far off the nose ridge…

good work. Keep sculpting and posting.

butt_sahib911, you’re right about the nostrils, will get on to them later.

thelucky, thanx for the comment!


Will spend some more time on this guy later today.

After an hour of playing around with the guys head, I ended up with this. :slight_smile:



can u tell me how u did this as simple as possible im trying 2 learn but im still lost not too many tutorials out there 4 beginners they all assume u know something and i know NOTHING

Well it’s been a long while, but I’ve finally got around to working some more on this model. Still not final, I just wanted to see how he looked polished up a bit.




Excellent, really good work, LOVE the fat guy, and love how pretty he got! The old guys wrinkles are a bit too symmetrical, perhaps (partic. the ‘dewlaps’ under the throat). And also are the ears a tiny bit too low/high/short? I forget the rule, do they go from top of eyesocket to bottom of nose? /I can’t remember, I’m sure someone will.

Anyway these are only very minor things, overall its great work, keep it up, and ta for the Alphas! Very generous.

Linkchip, you really need to get some tutorials, this is easily the best way to get started. The Digital Tutors series or the Gnomon intro to ZBrush are particularly good, and there are quite a few on YouTube & Google Video among others. Most of all, practice! Play with it, and have fun!