Hi frnds! I want to share my recent female sculpture with u guys. Thanx to zbrush that we can sculpt and live our passion without going into too much complexity.
The sculpt is in wip stage. Critz n comments r warmly welcome…
Looking Sweet.
Hairs and Eyes are looking great…
Very promising and erotic.
Keep it coming!
nice! good work
i really prefer the “classic” compare to all these monster…
thanx guys for all ur encouragements…
Any chance of developing this further? Very inspirational work. Keep at it.
The sculpt looks like a great start, her hair is looking fantastic,
my only comment is that the outer rim of her orbital socket seems a bit too rounded
Thanx guys 4 ur comments.
ZombieSwarm: I will definately refine that area of eyes.
seraph769: Yes I m working on d texuring and rendering part of d model.
Very soon i will post an update.
An update with d new sss material aplied and a quick render of d face in 3ds max. Reduced polygone with decimation master.
The face looks nice. The breasts don’t look right to me.
overall, she’s just beautiful!
great work, indeed!
i’ll echo webhead here.
it’s the nipples. a bit too high on the mass of the breasts, i think.
should be a quick fix.
face is nice. But her breasts are way too close ( possible) I think they are very high though.