
Fat guy head

Hi everyone!

This is my first post here, but i worked (not profesional) with zbrush for almost 1 year, and i visit that forum quite often. Now i’m starting to have some results. I accept all the critics goods and bads.



Hey Ford Prefect: I applaud your effort and to take the plunge to post some work after lurking so long. :slight_smile: My main suggestion to you is to really focus on the forms of the face more intensely. Right now he’s looking a bit out of control and uber-inflated. Also be sure to work at lower subdivisions before working at higher ones - your work will look more refined this way and you’ll have less blobbiness.

Hope I’ve helped. :+1:

Thanks a lot! i apreciate the advice, i will try to work first at the lower subdivision, how about the texturing? you think that something could be wrong? (or a lot? :o)