
Environment hard surface (ZREMESHER VS DECIMATION MASTER)

Hi there!:wink:
i want to share you my experience with zbrush, i’ve sculpted an environment corridor,

I try 2 exportation mode, one with decimation master, second with zremesher

Ok, decimation master is very cool, fast and respect your model details, jsut one thing, somes parts reveal edges artefacts.

About Zremesher, One critic, sometimes there are some holes artefact, i dont know why even if i dont have hole before the process.

It’s old scene, i made all in zbrush this 13th january 2013, i dont remember how many time it took me for this one.

Ok, zremesher is very awesome for organic model, but miss a button like “HARDSURFACE MODE” for me,this feature it’s like not finish, cause hardsurface it’s not the same way for retopo.with zremesher the results it’s like more smooth

No one is ok? or i must to keep silence?

Anyway, this new tools is very interesting and useful but not for hard surface…:cry:




well might i suggest you try using the alternate remesh by holding Alt button and then press zremesh, if not then try increasing the polycount a lil in remesher settings

I tested this with a simple inset on a cube using the max poly limit on zremesher, the results are still lacking:

You can use a clip curve brush to make hard edges after Zremesh, but still it would be nicer for something to hold hard edges better, right from the remesh.

HI, You should use higher adaptive size (I am using 98) for hard surfaces. and also use freeze borders, and turn off adapt. Use target polygon count for your poly count.

Zremesher is magic for organic meshes, but there’s still no magic button to press to get instant topology of the type you would get if you had modeled the object from low poly with perfect edges for creasing. If you need topology that precise, you will still have to manually retopo, or model from low poly to begin with, same as always. You may need to give zbrush a few more years before it completely removes the need for any traditional modeling tools.

Most of the time you don’t need it. Used with projection it makes adequate low poly bases for establishing traditional subdivision levels for polypainting, Uv layout, and normal map export. A crisp edge is fine surface detail, the same as wrinkles in skin.

Play with the adaptive slider in zremesher…higher values will result in in capturing detail more accurately, lower values distribute the polygons more evenly. Certain objects respond better to one direction over the other. Make use of Zremeshers polypaint density feature to add more polygons to areas with crisp edges, and save detail where you don’t need it.


Thanks. Yes I am seeing it too. After many trials and errors I have decided to topo it manually, at least for now. I really hope there will be some new tools for hard surface in near future. Zbrush rocks after all!!!