
Eat3d Hard Surface 2 Renders - Future DJ

Hey Guys,

So I’ve been working on a new hard surface DVD with Eat3d covering techniques in R2. The character was made in Zbrush, except for the cloth which was simulated in 3ds max.

For the character I took an existing female character, modified the proportions and face, and then designed the armor on top of that.

The DVD covers concepting, final model, detailing, cloth sim, rendering with vray, and tweaking in Photoshop. Everything is in Zbrush except for cloth sim and rendering clays.

The DVD can be found here:

Here’s a clay render turn around and a few full-sized renders. These were made by decimating the mesh and bringing it into 3ds max to be rendered with vray:

More images and closeups can be found here:

While working on this character I came across a cool trick. I made a few images below to illustrate the process:

For those curious here’s my hardware:

Gfx Card: Quadro 6000
Proc: i7 2600k
Mem: 16gb

Anyways thank you so much for viewing! I hope you enjoy! =D












That is just plain awesome. Great work and many, many thanks for that slice tutorial. Very helpful.

Thumbs up!

Great update on hardsurface detailes-- real liked the pipline zbrush <—> 3ds max and Vray (Vray have support for Ptex, Hope pixologic notes that:-)

Wow. Awesome work. So clean model and good render :+1:

You sir!, you sir are the man !! Great job

This is awesome!

Dude, that’s awesome. I’m a DJ and i’d love to have a suit like that.
Great work. Can’t wait to see it with painting and textures.


I’ll be getting that DVD for sure.
I can’t wait to see the process of this.

So cool

Really stunning work! I got my copy today :slight_smile: Now I just need Vray :-S

Is it possible to achieve renders of this quality with mental ray? (I’ve never really rendered outside of Zbrush…)

Really beautiful work! Thanks for the dynamesh tip! very useful. It would be cool if ZBrush would recognize the slice planes without the need to go through the extra steps…could that be part of the update? I hope so. I really am hoping for full symmetry on the slice tool. It is an awesome tool but so far to get perfect symmetry I have had to slice my model in half, do the work, then delete the half of the model I do not need and the mirror and join the models together an then re dynamesh to get my one piece model back.

Again great work and thanks for sharing with everyone!

Peace-NickZ. :slight_smile:

Nice work Mike! I look forward to watching this one. Just finished downloading from Eat 3d.

I’m curious if the tutorial includes a section on how you got those gorgeous renders? I think it would be worth it to me for that alone…

Yeah there is an entire chapter on it! :smiley:

The sculpting is veryn well done, good job on the hardsurfaces and edges.
But again those heroines on highheels. ths looks a bit ridiculous. Since everyone is doing that and as now i see this pinup element repeating and repeating it becomes more and more boring. A true artist had given her good boots. You messed with your sculpt thanks to that. Without you really could think she is some sort of space unit but now its one of million fantasy sci fi pinup girls. Everything on the suit seems to have a function, but high heels only function is to stretch the legs and push the breasts. But you didn’t sculpt that out after all?
Actually that’s really sad because the sculpt is quite good. But there seems never the less a diference between skill and art.

Got your tutorial a few weeks ago, and I have to say, it’s as impressive as it is quick to pick up on.

I am still a little shaky on how to use your mechanical insert brushes, while building individual sub tools.
high res dynameshes ( in and around 800-880) and then holding ALT/Option - clicking and drawing, and then alt-cmnd/ctrl seems to do it on something as simple as a sphere geometry, but when I apply it to a sculpted sub tool, it seems to have a few mixed results… I plan on posting a project directly following your tutorial, hope you’ll have a chance to see!:+1:

Maxpeterson, I guess it’s not really my place to reply to your post here, considering it’s not even my thread, but I couldn’t let your comments go without saying something.

Who are you to say what the difference is between skill and art? If your name was Da Vinci or Michaelangelo, your comments would have some meaning (maybe), but as it stands neither you or anyone else should define what Mike has done as “skill without art”. To me skill at something like Zbrush is an art of its own. Hard work like Mike’s is a form of art all its own. Your comments almost lead me to believe that you think that because something has been done already it can’t be done again in a new and original way. Good thing Da Vinci didn’t think that way while he was painting the Mona Lisa, huh? It might’ve occurred to him that millions of portraits of girls far prettier than her had been painted before, so why do it again?

Or, looking at another artist with nowhere near the artistic talent of Da Vinci, but a great artist in his own right, Alberto Vargas. Pinup girls were extremely popular in the 30’s and 40’s, so (if he thought as you apparently do) he should’ve decided that paintings of beautiful women were done all the time, so that would mean that they weren’t artistic enough and he should do something else.

There are a lot of ways to express your opinions of someone else’s work without implying (or outright stating, as you did) that one relatively small detail makes the entire thing something to throw in the junk pile.

Mike, my apologies for interrupting your thread with my own mini-rant, but I couldn’t help myself. I admire your work a lot, and hope to see more in the future. I like the high heels by the way. :smiley:

Edit; Mike, I completely forgot to mention that I recently got your first dvd and I’m busy following the tutorials right now. Don’t stop making tutorials, even though they’ve been done before… :slight_smile:

Hey mike, nice follow up to your first DVD.:slight_smile: Those hard surface techniques are awesome.

Good DVD. I bought your first one, and I have learned some things from both DVD’s. I haven’t been disappointed yet with any of the EAT3D videos I’ve bought so far. Keep up the good work! :+1: