
Duke Nukem semi-WIP

Hi All. I read an article in Game informer that gave a small shimmer of hope that Duke Nukem Forever may actually be completed at some point. To be completely honest I had almost completely forgotten about Duke until I started hearing about DN4E the last couple of years. After reading the GI article I decided to go looking for pics and such, and in doing so I rediscovered the glory that is Duke Nukem, and a big part of my childhood that I regrettably almost forgot.

Anyhoo, the article inspired me to do a model of duke. This being phase one of a much grander piece of work. In which, duke will be standing triumphantly amidst the corpses of other videogame characters. And In one arm he would be holding one of the female characters whom he spared for obvious reasons.


Hope you guys like it. I think it tuned out pretty well.

Cheers! :slight_smile:


Duke CU.jpg

Duke Smile.jpg

Duke Pose.jpg

Duke TA.jpg

Not bad at all for a full character! I see a few things to get used to still (transponing anatomy knowledge to screen and getting used to it for example the head is too long from the side view)

Also as you are obviously aware, it isn’t enough only to bend the arms, they have to be sculpted some more once posed, otherwise the look like rubber.

Keep up the good work! :+1:

Yeah the pose does make him look a little like a Stretch Armstrong. Normally I don’t really do any major posing in zbrush (I usually do that kind of stuff in 3DS Max then re-sculpt the anatomy around the joints), but it was getting late, and I really wanted to post this with a pose to go along with it.

As far as the anatomy goes, I realize that some of the muscles don’t attach where they should, or there might be a muscle that doesn’t belong here or there. There are some muscle groups that I’m not completely familiar with.

I’m assuming you meant that there was to much distance from the face to the back of the head. I never really noticed that before, but thanks for the advice.

I did a little correction on the proportions of the head. Does it look any better?

Duke profile.jpg

Much better! ;):+1: