A dynamesh tree in the rough.
I gotta say, I love ZBrush.
A dynamesh tree in the rough.
I gotta say, I love ZBrush.
Lots of tweaks to go still.
Still a lot to be done with this piece, I can think of many variants.
Holy cow, been forever… However it’s got a body and claws now. Created the body from a cylinder and then dynameshed it, used ZRemesher a bunch afterwards. Inflate on the legs after move elastic to get them about where I wanted them. A few more tweaks planned.
I managed to get the combined polycount of body and head to less than 1/4 of the head alone without losing too much. Have to tweak it a bit more in the shoulders and hips, legs and feet. A few layers composited in PSP to show some details and info. Note subtools. I made one claw, used transpose/move with control to duplicate it until I had 4 of them.