This is my first post here.
I decided to try repotologising one of my older models. I had alot of fun working on this model, and there is just a few more things I want to add to this one.
really enjoying 4r2
This is my first post here.
I decided to try repotologising one of my older models. I had alot of fun working on this model, and there is just a few more things I want to add to this one.
really enjoying 4r2
Adding some more stuff, and trying new things.
Loving your female and the dragon boat is awesome.
I got up my share and try to copy her posture and i don’t know if I am not that flexible or is her back
a a little too bent rathe than that i see it nothing else
Thank you :), not sure if she is flexing more than humaningly possible but I thought it looked ok.
I started the dragon boat in 2007, and it was the one thing that got commented on when I was at the AIE when the game company people came in to look at our work.
I only recently decided to retopologise this older model to get more detail in where I wanted, and it’s something that I have not really tried before, but I am likeing the process.
adding some more detail and aplying some colours.
nice chest…
done some more work on this model